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Now hiring.

yours31f's Avatar
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Ok short sweet and to the point. RPWD is looking to add a new person to its ranks. I am looking for someone to specialize in pen testing. Knowledge in PHP is a plus and could result in some extra jobs in web dev. in between pen jobs. Pay is very nice for the work and should be well worth it. If your intersted post here. Contact will be through yahoo/MSN and you will be payed through paypal.

ghost's Avatar
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Is there anyone on this site that wouldn't love to have a job pentesting?

yours31f's Avatar
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That was exactly my thought when posting here.

ghost's Avatar
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I'd love to help you with pen testing.:)

ghost's Avatar
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Hey yours31f i'm very interested, please contact me via pm.

yours31f's Avatar
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I'm going to consider all entries before I choose, but I will be talking with you soon.

ghost's Avatar
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No problem…

spyware's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: I'm going to consider all entries before I choose, but I will be talking with you soon.

-You- are choosing people? What, in the land of the two-eyed the blind is king?


yours31f's Avatar
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If you don't have anything of use to say please don't say it here. Shoutbox is fine.


I've been ask for more info.

  1. You must know how to fix the exploits not just find them.
  2. You are payed more for sites that have issues that you fix. (obvious)
  3. More to come.

spyware's Avatar
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Requesting immediate threadlock. Worst troll ever.

Uber0n's Avatar
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If you're really serious about this, I see no problem for me to help you out here. I do have experience with this (and I actually freelance for another pen-testing company right now as well).

yours31f wrote:

  1. You must know how to fix the exploits not just find them. No problem.
  1. You are payed more for sites that have issues that you fix. (obvious) It's not obvious; pay per hour is more common as far as I know. Sounds good to me though.
  1. More to come. All righty then B)

Add appekall@hotmail.com if you want IM contact with me.

ghost's Avatar
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@Spyware: This is actually a half-decent idea, Yourse3lf hasn't quite been… well for the sake of not insulting someone I'll just say he's not the brightest. Having someone else to back him up is rather intelligible.

On that note….

What exactly is RPWD? I believe I missed that particular thread….

spyware's Avatar
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K_I_N_G wrote: What exactly is RPWD? I believe I missed that particular thread….

The laughing starts now.

ghost's Avatar
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It's his website.

Admin ID: GODA-259272026 Admin Name: Christian Spencer Admin Organization: RPWD Admin Street1: 3017 w collin Admin Street2: Admin Street3: Admin City: corsicana Admin State/Province: Texas Admin Postal Code: 75110 Admin Country: US Admin Phone: 1.9038517295 Admin Phone Ext.: Admin FAX: Admin FAX Ext.: Admin Email: yours31f@yahoo.com

ghost's Avatar
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I can help…

spyware's Avatar
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Jesus fucking christ you guys, you need the money or WHAT?

Get a real job.

ghost's Avatar
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spyware wrote: Jesus fucking christ you guys, you need the money or WHAT?

Get a real job.

Doing freelance work is really the best way to go if you don't have a degree. Although, the OP is certainly not inventing any ground breaking ideas in paying someone to do something he himself can't do (as some are acting), there are much better sites to go and find legit freelance work where, you're more likely to get paid, have more control etc. There's no reason to not do something you're good at for money.

SySTeM's Avatar
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I'd be up for helping if the money's good. Simple work, decent pay, sounds good.

spyware's Avatar
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I'd rather eat with the dogs than to help this pathetic little man and earn some easy money. You capitalistic heaps of greed should have some ethics.

SySTeM's Avatar
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spyware wrote: I'd rather eat with the dogs than to help this pathetic little man and earn some easy money. You capitalistic heaps of greed should have some ethics.

Money FTW.

Uber0n's Avatar
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spyware wrote: Jesus fucking christ you guys, you need the money or WHAT? Well, some of us actually have our own apartments and pay for clothes, food, bus cards etc and don't get everything from our parents.

Strange world, isn't it? :happy:

ghost's Avatar
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Love the spiel on the site about the importance of a banner, when right above the text is a clearly homosexual man telling you to stick around for good web design :D.

If rpwd is anything to go by, every site they make is shite. I'l be every testemonial that is ever hosted on that site will be fake or a monologue of depressive verse followed by a bullet to the head.

Good day.

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
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This thread just proves that American driven capitalism always brings out the best in everyone .

yours31f's Avatar
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Well, based on the turn out, i am going to leave this open until Monday. Then I will release the decission. Thanks for the enthusiasm and spy.

ghost's Avatar
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spyware wrote: I'd rather eat with the dogs than to help this pathetic little man and earn some easy money.

spyware have an opinion? Never! :D

yours31f's Avatar
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So after some discussion here is what we came up with.

System_meltdown ubr0n cypher skathgh420

That's the order we will go in. Basically, if one person can't do it for any reason, it moves on to the next.

ghost's Avatar
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So if the order is: a b c The job is assigned to a, if a cant do that the job is assigned to b and so on? If a is the best, b and c are useless… Maybe i understand bad.

yours31f's Avatar
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You have the first part right. But, no they are not useless. More or less they work as back-ups and runner ups. this list will change depending on how people work and how thorough they are.

ghost's Avatar
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I'm not sure this is a good thing…

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12

Nice way to unite your new workforce man .

ghost's Avatar
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And me, of course, thrown out of the list. Noted this…

spyware's Avatar
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Yours31f, get, the, fuck, out of here.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah, thats a pretty shit way to treat your workforce. I seriously doubt you need need anything doing that you couldnt do yourself if you learnt some stuff.

Still, if you wanna make system some money, go right ahead.

yours31f's Avatar
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The issue is not that I couldn't do it myself, it's that I can't do it myself. I know enough to do it, the issue is time.

spyware's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: The issue is not that I couldn't do it myself, it's that I can't do it myself. I know enough to do it, the issue is time.

I call bullshit :)