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keylogger... (C++)

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Yeah… I'm tryign to build my own… but I don't know enough of the WinAPI… and don't like it… so I need some help.

Like… how would I make the program invisible to taskmanager??

And… how can I log certain things… Like when they turn on Internet Explorer or something…

Plus, I want the program to connect up to my e-mail and mail the log to me.

(note, these are computers that are always on the internet)

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Well stop slacking off and learn some fucking basic Win32 at least.

Monitoring system events:

IShellExecuteHook COM-based tech


Easy way, connect to accessory mail server [MSN/Yahoo/Other] and feed it data Hard way, make your own small SMTP server. Check out CodeProject.com for this.

Process hiding:

Use CreateRemoteThread to hijack another process IAT table hijacking to arbitrarily execute your code Some other wierd kernel level NT VxD shit.

These are all fairly advanced topics, some of which I really haven't gotton to yet, so I'm probably not the best person to answer your question. Sorry, I hope those are of some help however.

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Ne0, http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/shell/reference/ifaces/interfaces.asp should help you a whole lot, its the Microsoft Dev. Network Shell Interfaces reference. Also, I googled Windows API and got lots of useful results, so definetly try that (and remember, if Google is showing lots of irrelevant results, try using quotes around your search so that it finds the words in the quotes together instead of anywhere on the page)