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Will someone please help me with visual basic 2005

ghost's Avatar
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My group made our own code kinda like binary and im trying to make a program so we can use it to decrypt the messages. Thank you

ghost's Avatar
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EDITED Lol i didnt see the subject completely. I have never used VB :(

ghost's Avatar
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With a little more explanation, i think i could help you. How do you encrypt the messages?

ghost's Avatar
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When you decode something, just reverse the process.

      Case = a
         letter = 1
      Case = b
         letter = 2```

So on...

Make another...

```markupSelect Case letter
      Case = 1
         letter = a
      Case = 2
         letter = b```

Post a section of code if you are using a diff methos&*92;d, and I might be able to help ya out,

ghost's Avatar
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well its kind off simple its like binary except im using visual basic edition 2005 and its confusing because its like i chage the size then i add a button or a text box and the code doesnt change so ASYLUM I NEED YOUR HELP,

BTW if you guys can help ill be sure to help u on the site its almost done. THANX

ghost's Avatar
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post the code, or pm it to me and I can help you. In general, just do the opposite of whatever you did to encrypt it, unless you did it the nowhere near as efficient way (manually setting each letter, ie A="c", etc).

ghost's Avatar
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A=34433334 B=34433343 C=34433344 D=34433433 E=34433434 F=34433443 G=34433444 H=34434333 I=34434334 J=34434343 K=34434344 L=34434433 M=34434434 N=34434443 O=34434444 P=34440000 Q=34443334 R=34443343 S=34443344 T=34443433 U=34443434 V=34443443 W=34443444 X=34444333 Y=34444334 Z=34444343

Behold the cannon code. by the way its copyrighted so dont mess. my uncle works in the copyright business so my graphics are copyrighted everything. so thats the code but i added to msn im p4r4s1t3_02@hotmail.com


All of that was to J WROCK

ghost's Avatar
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is it all caps, or are there lowercase and numbers too?

ghost's Avatar
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well im not quite done yet

ghost's Avatar
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Ok, I'm assuming you know how to code in VB, so i'm going to give you the basic idea, and you can go from there(hopefully). Sadly, it looks like you used random numbers for each letter instead of a mathmatical encryption, so it will make to code longer and more annoying, but thats your fault. So, have a textbox and a command button. Simplified code is as follows (dim all variables first, of course)

str1 = txtbox.text k =1

for x =1 to len(str1) strsegment = mid(str1,k,8) if strsegment = "34433334" then strsegment = "A" (duplicate this line for every variable you have) str2=str2 & strsegment k = k +8 next x

txtbox1.text = str2

voila, decoded. Clearly, this isn't the entire code, just a little outline to get you going. This should be pretty easy for you, but if you have any other questions, pm me.

ghost's Avatar
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Why not just convert the letters to an integer using CInt([letter]), subtract 64, convert that to binary, and change all the 1's to 4's and the 0's to 3's? … chop off the first 3 slots and add your "344" to the front (because you won't go over 32), and you've basically done the same thing you did there. The code should be pretty simple.

ghost's Avatar
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why don't you just take some time to make up a HBH name instead of taking mine :angry:

ghost's Avatar
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Well, I tried to go for something different with a creative flair… which, it appears, you did yourself. :o But, hey, at least you've still got the graphics! :D

There… now, I am once again original and everyone's happy.