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better batch log in help

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sorry if this sounds bumb but i was trying to make a batch log in file which needs both a username and password but it didnt work this is what i had,

@echo off color 1B ::find "username" userthenpass.bat | sort goto username :start SET /P prompt=Please enter your username: ECHO. IF /I '%prompt%'=='%username%' GOTO solution cls echo that is not a registered username Pause cls goto start exit :username SET username= hello goto start :solution cls echo welcome hello, please put in your password before you can continue

::find "password" userthenpass.bat | sort goto password :start SET /P prompt=Please enter your password: ECHO. IF /I '%prompt%'=='%password%' GOTO solution cls echo wrong password Pause cls goto start exit :password SET password= hello goto start :solution cls echo welcome hello, you are now sucsessfuly logged in!

any help would be greatly appreciated.

bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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MaW wrote: sorry if this sounds bumb but i was trying to make a batch log in file which needs both a username and password but it didnt work this is what i had,

@echo off color 1B ::find "username" userthenpass.bat | sort goto username :start SET /P prompt=Please enter your username: ECHO. IF /I '%prompt%'=='%username%' GOTO solution cls echo that is not a registered username Pause cls goto start exit :username SET username= hello goto start :solution cls echo welcome hello, please put in your password before you can continue

::find "password" userthenpass.bat | sort goto password :start SET /P prompt=Please enter your password: ECHO. IF /I '%prompt%'=='%password%' GOTO solution cls echo wrong password Pause cls goto start exit :password SET password= hello goto start :solution cls echo welcome hello, you are now sucsessfuly logged in!

any help would be greatly appreciated.

My advise - Batch doesnt do too well for a password login. People just right-click then click edit and they can see whats inside. Number 2 - Find doesnt work very well anymore. What you want is something like

color 4F
goto username

SET /P prompt=Please enter your name:
IF /I '%prompt%'=='%username%' GOTO pass
echo Sorry, the username you gave was incorrect!
goto start

SET username=hello
goto start

SET pass=pass
goto password

SET /P prompt=Please enter your password:
IF /I '%prompt%'=='%pass%' GOTO solution
echo Sorry, the password you gave was incorrect!
goto start

echo Correct Login and Pass

I tried this and it works. Build off of this. (sorry for butchering your code, S_M, But I had to for the sake of my sanity)


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Lol, don't worry blackcat