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Idea of programming PHP form bruteforcer

ghost's Avatar
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I am thinking about how to create http form bruteforce script for couple of time but can't get any idea how to start solving a problem. First how can I insert pass into textbox? (with form or is there any other option to send POST forms). Second how can I get response if pass is right or wrong?


n3w7yp3's Avatar
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well, it depends on the language being used. you could use a shell script and curl to try it out or you could use PERL and the LWP(or IO::Socket::INET if so desired) module to sned the requests. the is_success classification method is very easy to use and can determin if the request was a success or not. LWP handles pretty much any HTTP request and of course IO::Socket::INET can do the same. just go where you want with it and have fun. btw for alot more info, try out the following commands:

[bash]$ man LWP [bash]$ man IO::Socket::INET [bash]$ man -k LWP [bash]$ man -k IO::Socket:INET

and you can always hit up good old google as well :)

gl ;)

ghost's Avatar
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I had try googling but didn't find anything really interesting, there was some php scripts but all was using some special library. I had also try brtuteforcer in hbh download section but it has problem with undefinited variable, so it is not working. I am not interesting in perl because I don't know almost nothing about it. PHP probably isn't the best select for this type of program but I am still interesting how to make it.