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error in C++ while compiling

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I'm trying to learn c++ and as one of the project examples in the book that i'm reading i modified a few things and messed around figuring out how it reacts.. anywho with my code i get an error while compiling. Here's my source.. i should see the error but i've stared at it for 45 minutes and have got it down to 1 error (there were 3). Here's what i got

//Program 1.2
//Aqrhine Da Vinci
//May 31, 2005

#include <iostream.h>

#define TIME1  88.7     // DownHill
#define TIME2 138.05    // Slalom, 1st att.
#define TIME3 185.16    // Slalom, 2nd att.

#define NAME "P.Wiberg, NOR"
#define SE "sec." << endl

void main ()

	cout << endl
		 << "Program 1.2" << endl
	         << "the Olympic Games, Lillehammer, Norway" << endl
		 << "ALPINE SKIING - Combined Slalom Women" << endl
		 << "21-feb-94" << endl

		 << NAME << endl
		 << "Downhill"			    << TIME1			<< SE
		 << "slalom, 1st attempt"	<< (TIME2 - TIME1)  << SE
		 << "slalom, 2nd attempt"   << (TIME3 - TIME2)  << SE;

It's simple simple using the #define directive i get it entirely but there's somthing i'm missing i suppose.

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What is the error?

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Try the below. I changed #include <iostream.h> to #include <iostream>. Also, I added the line using namespace std;

Lemme know if that works.

//Aqrhine Da Vinci
//May 31, 2005

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
using namespace std;

#define TIME1 88.7 // DownHill
#define TIME2 138.05 // Slalom, 1st att.
#define TIME3 185.16 // Slalom, 2nd att.

#define NAME &quot;P.Wiberg, NOR&quot;
#define SE &quot;sec.&quot; &lt;&lt; endl

void main ()

cout &lt;&lt; endl
&lt;&lt; &quot;Program 1.2&quot; &lt;&lt; endl
&lt;&lt; &quot;the Olympic Games, Lillehammer, Norway&quot; &lt;&lt; endl
&lt;&lt; &quot;ALPINE SKIING - Combined Slalom Women&quot; &lt;&lt; endl
&lt;&lt; &quot;21-feb-94&quot; &lt;&lt; endl

&lt;&lt; NAME &lt;&lt; endl
&lt;&lt; &quot;Downhill&quot; &lt;&lt; TIME1 &lt;&lt; SE
&lt;&lt; &quot;slalom, 1st attempt&quot; &lt;&lt; (TIME2 - TIME1) &lt;&lt; SE
&lt;&lt; &quot;slalom, 2nd attempt&quot; &lt;&lt; (TIME3 - TIME2) &lt;&lt; SE;

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––––––––––Configuration: Cpp1 - Win32 Debug–––––––––– Compiling… Cpp1.cpp C:\Documents and Settings\Tommy Waddell\Cpp1.cpp(19) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<<' Cpp2.cpp Error executing cl.exe.

Cpp1.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

and the change to <iostream> and the extra line didn't help

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hmm I didn't have that problem. Try putting all the cout stuff onto one line. What compiler are you using?

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microsoft visual c++

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figured it out.. thanks for your help.. i'm not sure what i did but i just tried it a while later (after restart) and it worked.

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What does this error mean?

––––––––––Configuration: Cpp1 - Win32 Debug–––––––––– Compiling… Cpp1.cpp C:\Documents and Settings\Tommy Waddell\My Documents\c++\Cpp1.cpp(72) : error C2086: 'x' : redefinition Error executing cl.exe.

Cpp1.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

I get it from this section here:

const int Max = +32767;
	const int Min = -(Max+1);
		int x;

	x = Max;
	cout &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; endl;

	x = Max + 1;
	cout &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; endl;

	x = Max + 2;
	cout &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; endl;

	x = Min;
	cout &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; endl;

	x = Min - 1;
	cout &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; endl;

	x = Min - 2;
	cout &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; endl;

sorry.. figured it out seems that the problem wasn't that i redefined the variable "x" but that i accidently declared it a variable twice. once earlier in the code then again where i showed it. works smoothly now.. nothin quite like trial and error