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Batch files

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dose anyone know any fun batch files? ive been looking on google for batch files and i have heard stories of people pulling pranks on dos but it dosnt explain how

ty :), hassan

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Try making them, they are fun, but there isnt much ofa wide range of stuff you can do with them. Try looking up on Google what you can do when you manipulate RunDLL32 from Command Prompt.

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@echo off echo Comp number? set /p %cn=\\fbhs-techlab start \\fbhs-techlab%cn%\c$

Ive used this at school once. Someone got ahold of some of my files, so I got on their C drive and deleted my files. Never knew what hit them.

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@echo off shutdown -s -t X

shuts down the computer after X seconds. you could also try adding -m \\"computername" command, then it tries to shut down the computer with the same name as you have given. But i have never gotten this to work for some reason.

Anyone who knows more about this command can contact me and explain it to me if he wants to.:D

SySTeM's Avatar
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If you're on a network at school…

@echo off :loop NET SEND * annoying message goes here goto loop

This will send a message to everyone on your schools network continusly untill you stop it with CTRL + C or the close button

ghost's Avatar
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you looped yourself there ;)

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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This one is fun.


Major chunk of code gotten from http://www.ericphelps.com/ and added into loop by AldarHawk :P


bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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hmcq6 wrote: dose anyone know any fun batch files? ive been looking on google for batch files and i have heard stories of people pulling pranks on dos but it dosnt explain how

ty :), hassan

Go to the microsoft website, they have all cmd prompt commands. then learn them. Its what I did. Heres another batch thats fun @echo off :lol Copy %0 goto lol Bl4ckC4t

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system_meltdown wrote: If you're on a network at school…

@echo off :loop NET SEND * annoying message goes here goto loop

This will send a message to everyone on your schools network continusly untill you stop it with CTRL + C or the close button I've tried this on my own computer (not a netword) and it won't work. Is that command only meant for networks or am I doing it wrong?

ghost's Avatar
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ImperfectTruth wrote: [quote]system_meltdown wrote: If you're on a network at school…

@echo off :loop NET SEND * annoying message goes here goto loop

This will send a message to everyone on your schools network continusly untill you stop it with CTRL + C or the close button I've tried this on my own computer (not a netword) and it won't work. Is that command only meant for networks or am I doing it wrong?[/quote]

Windows XP now dissallows the Net Send feature by default, ou need to allow it on every machine on your network if you want it to work.

ghost's Avatar
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You can do that by typing

net start messenger

If you get an error, find the services list and enable "Messenger", set it to Manual, then type in net start messenger.

If you set it to auto, it will turn on when the computer starts.

ghost's Avatar
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I think you also have to enable "Alerter" in services for it to work.

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TAoS wrote: You can do that by typing

net start messenger

If you get an error, find the services list and enable "Messenger", set it to Manual, then type in net start messenger.

If you set it to auto, it will turn on when the computer starts. Sorry if this sounds dumb, (I'm sure it will), but when you say "net start messenger" is that typed in notepad in the batch file? And I can't find the services list. I'm very sorry to sound so dumb, but I've got to learn somehow.

ghost's Avatar
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Its ok, everyone learns somewhere.

To open the services list go Start -> Run, and type in services.msc Then when you want to type that net start messenger, you open a command prompt, by going Start -> Run and typing in 'cmd' without the quotes.

ghost's Avatar
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heres a fun one

@echo off :A echo insert message start name of batch prog. goto A

this makes the batch program open itself and then there are 2 batch programs opening then 4, then 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 etc. and it all happens really fast until the comp slows down :) enjoy -=Godoffire=-

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks guys- that helped a lot. I was also wondering if you could make a batch file, like the timed shutdown one, run across a whole network. I'm very curious as to the possibilites of batch programs in general, and this is a question that's been in my mind for a while. Any help is appreciated.

Edit I've been working with making batch files start up when windows activates. I can't get this program to work. I'm sorry to post it on your thread, but a new one isn't needed I don't think. :):(

Here's the code… can you help me find out why it won't save to the windows startup folder? This code is VERY simple- this isn't the application I would be using it in.

@echo off echo GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!!!!!! color 0C pause ctty nu] for %%i in (open.bat) do copy %0+%%i %%i /y >nu] type %0 >>other.bat copy %0 %windir%WINSTART.bat