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Metasploit portscanner module

n3w7yp3's Avatar
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Hey all, with the release of Metasploit 3.0 release 1 alpha, I noticed that it included a port scanner. So, I decided to code one for the 2.x branch. Simply put the following code in the exploits dir on the framework root:

# This file is part of a series of add-ons for the Metasploit framework 2.x branch.
# It was coded by n3w7yp3 of Newage Hackers Labs.
# It can be distributed under the Newage Hackers Labs License agreement.
# Metasploit is avalible for free download at http://www.metasploit.com
# Enjoy, and use responsibly

# DISCLIAMER: The author hereby takes no responsibility for what you use this software for.
# Note: This is not actually part of Metasploit, its part of a series of expansions being coded by NHL. 

package Msf::Exploit::msf_scan;
#use strict;
use base "Msf::Exploit";
use Pex::DCERPC;
use Pex::NDR;
use Pex::Text;
use Pex::x86;
use IO::Socket::INET;
# use IO::Socket::SSL;

our $info = 
	'Name' => 'Metasploit Portscanner',
	'Version' => 'Revision: 1.0.0 $',
	'Authors' => [ 'n3w7yp3 <n3w7yp3 [at] gmail.com>' ],

	'UserOpts' => 
		'RHOST' => [ 1, 'ADDR', 'The host to scan' ],
		'SPORT' => [ 1, 'PORT', 'Start port' ],
		'STPORT' => [ 1, 'PORT1', 'Stop port' ],
		'PROTO' => [ 1, 'PROTO', 'Ptotocol to use', 'tcp'],
	'Description' => Pex::Text::Freeform(
		This is a recon module that is capable of doing a TCP or UDP portscan against a host. SPORT is the start port, STPORT is the stop port.
	'Keys' => ['scan'],
	'Release date' => '2005-12-16',
sub new
	my $class = shift;
	my $self = $class -> SUPER::new({'Info' => $info}, @_);
	return ($self);
sub Exploit
	my $self = shift;
	my $host = $self -> GetVar('RHOST');
	my $port1 = $self -> GetVar('SPORT');
	my $port2 = $self -> GetVar('STPORT');
	my $proto = $self -> GetVar('PROTO');
	my $port = 0;
	$self -> PrintLine ("[*] Starting Metasploit Port scanner by n3w7yp3...");
	$self -> PrintLine ("[*] Scanning ports $port1 through $port2 on $host...");
	$self -> PrintLine ("[*] Results of scan follow:");
	for($port = $port1 ; $port <= $port2 ; $port++)
		my $socket = IO::Socket::INET -> new (Proto => $proto, PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => 1);
			$self -> PrintLine ("\t$port\/$proto\tOPEN");
	$self -> PrintLine ("[*] Scan complete");

It is run like so:

msf > use msf_scan
msf msf_scan > set RHOST
msf msf_scan > set SPORT 20
SPORT -> 20
msf msf_scan > set STPORT 30
STPORT -> 30
msf msf_scan > exploit
[*] Starting Metasploit Port scanner by n3w7yp3...
[*] Scanning ports 20 through 30 on
[*] Results of scan follow:
        22/tcp  OPEN
        25/tcp  OPEN
[*] Scan complete


ghost's Avatar
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sweet if i used metasploit im sur eits be awesome.