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MD5 Hash Database

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Hey, I'm creating a MD5 hash database so that cracking them may become much easier B)

To use the database, go on AIM and type in your hash to screen name "md5library". To add to the database, just type md5(stringhere).

If you have any comments, would like to give me a hash list to crack, or a dictionary to add, let me know :)

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Very Nice Man… Like The Bot Use… How's You Get That? And What Kind Of MD5? I've Got A FreeBSD MD5 here… $1$puLS/iXj$4RUIMPkLWhkKpVAav1Zik/ and it won't work…

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This database only contains regular MD5's, [0-9a-f]{32}

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so no Symbols? 1$puLS/iXj$4RUIMPkLWhkKpVAav1Zik/ <- the Hash…

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DarkRed, that isn't how MD5 works.

By the way, this project has been done. They're called RAINBOW TABLES.

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DarkRedRose: Nope.

A normal MD5 hash consists of the numbers zero through nine and the letters 'a' through 'f' (16 bit HEX), also it will be 32 characters long every time.

for an online md5 encryption tool, you may use:


thousandtoone: Yes, it is true that other have done this project. However, most tables only have a few million entries. I have created a script that will constantly update the database, so it will continue to grow until the alotted 5TB is used… then I'll buy more disk space and it will grow even more :) Currently there are over 35,000,000 entries

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I have question, What makes you do that ??? :p but only because you're lef-handed THATS A PERFECT IDEA..LoL Righties don't get pissed i'm just joking :p

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DarkRedRose wrote: so no Symbols? 1$puLS/iXj$4RUIMPkLWhkKpVAav1Zik/ <- the Hash…

The reason why that won't crack in his bot is because he's only cracking clean MD5 hexadecimal hashes. Your hash is salted, as you can see from it beginning with "$1".

BTW, a clean MD5 hash is 32 characters in length, while a salted MD5 hash is 34 chracters.

The following code will generate a clan MD5 hexadecimal hash:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# MD5 hex hash generator, written by n3w7yp3
use Digest::MD5;
use strict;
my $string = shift || &usage;
print &quot;Encrypting &#92;&#39;$string&#92;&#39; with MD5...&#92;n&quot;;
my $hex = Digest::MD5 -&gt; new;
$hex -&gt; add($string);
my $hex_hash = $hex -&gt; hexdigest;
print &quot;Your MD5 hexadecimal hash is: $hex_hash&#92;n&quot;;
sub usage
        print &quot;Usage: $0 &lt;string&gt;&#92;n&quot;;
        die &quot;String is the string to encrypt with MD5.&#92;n&quot;;

This bit will generate a salted hash, like you find in /etc/shadow:

# written by n3w7yp3
$plain = shift || &usage;
$salt = shift;
if($salt eq undef)
        @numbers = (97..122);
        $num_chars = @numbers;
                $salt1 .= chr($numbers[int(rand($num_chars))]);
        $salt = &quot;&#92;$&quot;.&quot;1&quot;.&quot;&#92;$&quot;.$salt1.&quot;&#92;$&quot;;
        if(length($salt) != 11 || length($salt) != 12)
                die &quot;length(): error: Salt is not the correct length.&#92;n&quot;;
        if($salt !~ /^&#92;$1&#92;$[a-z]{1,8}&#92;$$/ || $salt !~ /^&#92;$1&#92;$[a-z]{1,8}$/)
                die &quot;regex: error: Salt is not tin the correct format.&#92;n&quot;;
$hash = crypt($plain, $salt);
print &quot;Encrytping &#92;&#39;$plain&#92;&#39; with MD5 using the salt &#92;&#39;$salt&#92;&#39;...&#92;n&quot;;
print &quot;MD5 hash: $hash&#92;n&quot;;
sub usage
        die &quot;Usage: $0 &lt;plaintext&gt; [salt]&#92;n&quot;;

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Yea, plain md5 is more common though, so that's what I'm creating the database on :)… The size of the database is now over 40,000,000 :)

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Jake: cool. Is it a binary search or an ASCII based search? Also, whats the search time?

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ASCII - It's searching through over 300 million entries in under 5 seconds :) Give it a try, just get in a aim account and type the hash in to "md5library"… also, if you would like to help add to the database, type in "add: plaintext strings here"