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vb.net coding help

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Need some help coding the submit button in my multiple choice quiz application. Here is my quiz code in full - Edit Update

[php]    Public Class QuestionWithAnswers
    Public Property ItemNumber As Integer
    Public Property Question As String
    Public Property Answers As New List(Of Answer)
    Public Property CorrectAnswer As String
    Public Class Answer
        Public AnswerText As String
        Public AnswerChecked As Boolean
    End Class
End Class
Private AllQuestions As New List(Of QuestionWithAnswers)
Private qIndex As Integer = 0
Private updatingQuestion As Boolean
Private curQandA As QuestionWithAnswers
Private _myIndex As Integer = 1

Sub UpdateLabel()
    lblQuesNum.Text = (qIndex + 1).ToString
End Sub

Private Sub btnNext_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click
    curQandA = AllQuestions.ElementAt(qIndex)
    If qIndex < 3 Then           ' is it safe to increment
        qIndex += 1              'it is, 'then set the current question here since we are using an index
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub LoadQuestion()
    If AllQuestions.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
    updatingQuestion = True
    curQandA = AllQuestions.ElementAt(qIndex)
    tb1.Text = curQandA.Question
    tb2.Text = curQandA.Answers.ElementAt(0).AnswerText
    tb3.Text = curQandA.Answers.ElementAt(1).AnswerText
    tb4.Text = curQandA.Answers.ElementAt(2).AnswerText
    tb5.Text = curQandA.Answers.ElementAt(3).AnswerText
    RadioButton1.Checked = curQandA.Answers.ElementAt(0).AnswerChecked
    RadioButton2.Checked = curQandA.Answers.ElementAt(1).AnswerChecked
    RadioButton3.Checked = curQandA.Answers.ElementAt(2).AnswerChecked
    RadioButton4.Checked = curQandA.Answers.ElementAt(3).AnswerChecked
    updatingQuestion = False
End Sub

Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadioButton4.CheckedChanged, RadioButton3.CheckedChanged, RadioButton2.CheckedChanged, RadioButton1.CheckedChanged
    If Not updatingQuestion Then
        Dim rb = DirectCast(sender, RadioButton)
        Dim qandaAnswer = curQandA.Answers.Where(Function(a) a.AnswerText = rb.Text).FirstOrDefault
        If Not qandaAnswer Is Nothing Then qandaAnswer.AnswerChecked = True
        For Each ans In curQandA.Answers
            If ans Is qandaAnswer Then
                ans.AnswerChecked = True
                ans.AnswerChecked = False
            End If
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnPrevious_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPrevious.Click
    curQandA = AllQuestions.ElementAt(qIndex)
    If qIndex > 0 Then
        qIndex -= 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Using sr As New StreamReader("C:\Quiz\questions.txt")
        While Not sr.EndOfStream
            Dim data() = sr.ReadLine.Split(","c)
            Dim qAndA As New QuestionWithAnswers
            qAndA.ItemNumber = Integer.Parse(data(0))
            qAndA.Question = data(1)
            Dim answers() = data(2).Split("|"c)
            For Each answer In answers
                qAndA.Answers.Add(New QuestionWithAnswers.Answer With {.AnswerText = answer, .AnswerChecked = False})
            qAndA.CorrectAnswer = data(3)
        End While
    End Using
End Sub

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
    Dim correctAnswers As Integer = 0
    For Each question As QuestionWithAnswers In AllQuestions
        For Each answer As QuestionWithAnswers.Answer In question.Answers
            If answer.AnswerChecked AndAlso answer.AnswerText = question.CorrectAnswer Then
                correctAnswers += 1
                Exit For
            End If
End Sub[/php]

Obviously this is not php but the markup tags were not working. Last Code Block - btnSubmit_Click Each Answer has 2 properties: AnswerText and AnswerChecked. When someone makes a choice this Answer will have the AnswerChecked set to true. So in the loop you will be looking for the Answer.AnswerChecked = true then you compare the Answer.AnswerText with the question.CorrectAnswer text.

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[php]Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click Dim correctAnswers As Integer = 0 For Each question As QuestionWithAnswers In AllQuestions For Each answer As QuestionWithAnswers.Answer In question.Answers If answer.AnswerChecked AndAlso answer.AnswerText = question.CorrectAnswer Then correctAnswers += 1 Exit For End If Next Next[/php]

I had to compare the answer text with the correct answer to increment the point system. Thanks for having a look.