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Python Email Program (need help debugging)

psychboo's Avatar
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I've modified a program I found in the code bank that uses python and the smtplib module in order to send through Gmail servers. I'm new to python and trying to figure out why the following code is generating errors when run. Any advice?

#! /usr/bin/env python import smtplib import getpass

smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com",587) x = smtpserver.ehlo() print "Connected to "+x[1].split()[0]+" at "+x[1].split()[4]+'\n' x = smtpserver.starttls() print x[1]

logged_in = False print 'Login Required \n'

while not logged_in: gmail_user = raw_input("User: ") gmail_pwd = getpass.getpass() try: smtpserver.login(gmail_user,gmail_pwd) logged_in = True except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: print 'Incorrect User/Pass combination\n' print 'Accepted' to = raw_input("Send to: ") subject = raw_input("Subject: ") header = 'To:' + to + '\n' + 'From: ' + gmail_user + '\n' + subject + '\n' print '\n'+header+'\n'+'Type your email below, *q terminates\n'

msg='' while msg[-3:]!='*q\n': msg+=raw_input('>')+'\n'

x='' while x!='y' and x!='n': x=raw_input('Send? (y/n): ') if x=='y': smtpserver.sendmail(gmail_user, to, msg) smtpserver.close()

If the code seems convoluted PM me and i'll send you a .txt

ghost's Avatar
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I haven't had a look at it cause like you hinted it looks like eye rape without formatting. Tried the [code] tags? Idk if they protect the formatting? Also post the error outputed it maybe the case that we don't need to run it know the problem.

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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wolfmankurd wrote: Idk if they protect the formatting? They do, keeps the tabs and all and it eliminates smileys.

Most people (myself included) won't read code that's more than a few lines long if it doesn't have tabbing. Especially in python since you can't tell what stuff is contained in what loops without tabs.

ghost's Avatar
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It'd be pretty sweet if we had code bin style formatting from the [code] tags. Like keyword colouring. Op why not just post a link to codebin.

Anyway I can't quiet work out your formatting I tried it in http://codepad.org/ (which is an awesome site someone posted in the IRC I think it was NotMyFault). If you put it on there and link us then we'd have the pastebin style formatting and highlighting and be able to see the errors on the fly.

ghost's Avatar
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Additionally, could you post a stack trace of the error the program is having? If it's not a programmatic error and is a logical error (e.g. the program runs but doesn't do what you think it's supposed to), could you post a brief description explaining where the problem is?

4rm4g3dd0n's Avatar
Mad Hatter
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there are language differences between python 2 and python 3 myself i prefer 2 but that's because most of the code I've written was in 2 and I don't like modifying all the time

try " instead of ' for boolean text if using python 3 I've had problems with that plus annoying small things like

print "printed" print ("printed")

from md5 import new

from hashlib

x = hashlib.md5 ("string") new = hashlib.update (x)

and so on