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[VB.Net] Creating a Chatbox \ Ban a user through IP address.

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First of all i have to say hi to everyone since i havent posted here for a while…

Im making a chatbox using VB.Net and MySQL nothing complicated all i need to do is create another border in my database something like:

Database:** | ID Banned | | 1 192.0…| | 2 255.0…| | 3 … |**

and store all the banned IPs there my question is what remains the same when the user resets its modem? how can determine that when he enters the chat (using vb.net)?

Now for creating the chatbox heres what i think: Each comment should be treated like a mail in a mailbox: (thank god i already completed the messages function)

For The Mailbox:** | ID | BeenRead | Sender | Receiver | Message | Deleted | | 1 False Phe0niX Me Hi!… False |**

For The Chatbox:** | ID | Sender | Comment | Date | | 1 Him w00t? 1/1/09| ** That way whenever a user enters the chat he can select all the comments for today's date and see them then refresh the chat every 3/5 seconds.

Theres a lot of mind gaps using this method:

  1. From where i leave theres a difference of 9 hours from US. Which means that if i log in at 23:00 (1/1/2009) and a user from US logs in at the same time 8:00(1/2/2009) he cant see my comments.

  2. The Date Format is not the same for the whole world: Greece: DD/MM/YYYY United States: MM/DD/YYYY

Any ideas?

elmiguel's Avatar
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1: You should keep track of the users IP and Username. This way you can query either or. This will also make it easier to keep track of your banned IP/Users. It doesn't matter if they reset their modem because its their external IP that your recoding.

2: You could standardize the way the dates are recorded in to the database. Meaning find out all the possible date formats then make a function to turn them into one format of your choosing. There may be already a function built into VB.net but I am not sure. Check you reference manual for date time functions.

ghost's Avatar
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  1. thats what i was looking for: "external ip".
  2. i founf the answer to that its: "grenich mean time" thanks