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Input in C++ MessageBox

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Hello there, I try to let the user input information in a MessageBox in C++.

I'm thinking of that white input bar, in the MessageBox. I have been googled it, but it seems to be something wrong with my queries today.

What I know is that the thing I am looking for is not called a MessageBox, and I know that C and C# has this thing. I don't know if it is in C++, or how it works..

Any help, even "You are an idiot. Followed by a link", would be appreciated:)

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I'm pretty sure what you are looking for is Visual C++. Try looking that up in google.

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If you know it in C, then try it in C. After all, C code has a tendency to work with C++ code. Although it looks like you only know that it exists in those languages, but don't know how to properly use them. If you want to work with GUI in C++ you're going to have to learn a bunch of shit that's OS dependent and thus names for whatever you're looking for aren't set in stone either. Anyhow, what you're looking for seems to rather be something generally called text/input field, try finding that.

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Writing OS-dependent code in C++ is bullshit. If you want to make fancy windows apps, go download some Visual Studio IDE.

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spyware wrote: Writing OS-dependent code in C++ is bullshit. If you want to make fancy windows apps, go download some Visual Studio IDE. Agreed. Try a library like wxwidgets, Qt, or GTK!

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Because they look cooler, DUH! B)

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MoshBat wrote: Why do people always try making GUIs before console programs?

As a matter of fact, I AM making a console program… Sort of… It is a console, and it is giving out a MessageBox. But while I was doing this particular program, I became curious, as I have seen this "InputBox" before. I just want to know if it exists in C++. And how to use it. As I'm well aware that GUIs are out of the question for me quite yet. I'd rather learn the language before I learn how to make it look cool.

But thanks for all help! That counts for all of you.

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MoshBat wrote:

As a matter of fact, I AM making a console program… Sort of… It is a console, and it is giving out a MessageBox. But while I was doing this particular program, I became curious, as I have seen this "InputBox" before. I just want to know if it exists in C++. And how to use it. As I'm well aware that GUIs are out of the question for me quite yet. I'd rather learn the language before I learn how to make it look cool.

But thanks for all help! That counts for all of you. To do what you're doing, I don't believe you can simply use a MessageBox, you'd likely have to make your own "custom" GUI, and that's a huge pain in the arse. And in terms of I/O it's easier in the console, and I don't really see the need for a console program to create a message box. That would probably annoy me… Though, if it's purely for your own use…[/quote]

I simply used a messagebox… :o It is for my own use too, I'm not good enough yet to write any programs that makes very good sence, that you can't find much better alternatives to.

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MoshBat wrote: [quote]TheLugal wrote: I simply used a messagebox… :o It is for my own use too, I'm not good enough yet to write any programs that makes very good sence, that you can't find much better alternatives to.

Fix your quote. Also, if you're not yet good enough to write programs that "makes very good sence", don't bother yourself with creating a GUI of any kind…[/quote]

I'm not, I'm making a console program. I just had a question. I asked a question. And I got an answere to my question.

Will you be flattered if I call you a cunt?