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PHP Web Hosting Project.

ghost's Avatar
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Hey! I'm making a web hosting site as a hobby project. And my problem is that anyone could upload php files and then read my root files or whatever they want. So could I do so their php files could just read from their own directory?

My structure is like this: htdocs/ (with all pages) htdocs/user1/ htdocs/user2/ etc.

Thx for any help.

ranma's Avatar
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What pwzall said or you could use regex on their files to check for things that could compromise your site. I have a website such as the one you describe, but I sorta rely on the people not knowing how to hack it to protect it :p. It would be fairly easy though. Who will be using your website?

ghost's Avatar
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Nothing seems to be working. The user can easily upload shell scripts or get any file on the computer. So is there a way to just let the users php files read from their own subdirectory?

ranma wrote: Who will be using your website? Probably nobody x) But security is the most important piece in this project.