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Counting Down in VB6

ghost's Avatar
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how would i make a program that counts down from 1 hour and gos till 0? kinda like a timer for an oven although on your computer.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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make a timer and a text box.

then have

text1.text = "600000"   - (or whatever 1 hour is in seconds)

Timer.interval = 1000

------Timer Sub-------

Dim TimeCount as integer

TimeCount = val(text1.text)

TimeCount = TimeCount - 1

text1.text = TimeCount

------End Sub--------

easy :)

ghost's Avatar
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thanks, but i did it another way b4 u replied.

Private AlarmTime As Date

Private Sub Form_Load()
    AlarmTime = DateAdd("h", 1, Now)
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim txt As String

    txt = Format$(AlarmTime - Now, "h:mm:ss")
    Label1.Caption = txt
End Sub

now i also wanted to make it log off the computer when it goes to 0. this counts down from 1:00:00 to 0:00:00.

ghost's Avatar
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Mr_Cheese wrote: make a timer and a text box.

then have

text1.text = "600000"   - (or whatever 1 hour is in seconds)

Timer.interval = 1000

------Timer Sub-------

Dim TimeCount as integer

TimeCount = val(text1.text)

TimeCount = TimeCount - 1

text1.text = TimeCount

------End Sub--------

easy :) i was just wondering…wouldn't this depend more on the speed of your puter rather than actual time?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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i surpose, but it does what he asked, and the increased speed is gonna be extremely minimal, compared to how he did it.

ghost's Avatar
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ok i got that, but what about login off windows? do i need API calls or what?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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call Shell ("logoff", vbHide)

ghost's Avatar
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how would i put that in the code i already made? i dont really see anything i can loop?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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just put it in a If statement, thats in the timer.

so like:

If Time = XXX then Call Shell….

end if