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ghost's Avatar
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Hello, I am new to HBH, having just discovered this board today. I don't have a website yet, but I do know some HTML and hope to learn Javascript and other web/programming languages. I'm 14 and know practically nothing about hacking. I've been to some hacking sites before but there's still alot I don't understand. I came here hoping to learn more about programming and computer hacking.

P.S. I took a peek at the board stats while I was registering and it seems I'm the 1000th person to join this community.:)

ghost's Avatar
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hello i am new to i need someone to help me if you could help me that would be great

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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welcome to the site. Glad you signed up.

shadow - If you already have mild hacking knowldge, why not take the time to sign up to web wars.

ghost's Avatar
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well welcome all you guys. if you guys want to learn some basics i have power point presentations on it. I just need your email and i can send them to you.
