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Ipod Hacking

ghost's Avatar
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does anyone know hoat to hack an ipod?

i saw a picture of a hacked 1 n it had like the apple logo changed and the upload image changed

ghost's Avatar
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Look up ipod linux, from there you would have dynamic access to the ipods kernel and would be able to do all kinds of fun things.

ghost's Avatar
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:( nothing for windows?

o wait i dont really understand the whole installing of linux onto the ipod.. cuz it says to like chmod something.. but i kind of cant with windows?

ghost's Avatar
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LMAO. The only Windows you'll find on an iPod is either pirated or MS had a brain lapse. The reason you find so many special capabilities with Linux is because it's open source meaning it's consumers are free to modify it all they want.

<sorta off topic> I'm thinking of installing Linux onto my GameCube :D </sorta off topic>