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Weird people...

ghost's Avatar
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I founhd some people that pretend they can hack. They gave me a 'new' definition of a script-kiddie: people that write their own scripts to hack, have alot of respect in the hackerworld, using Netbus or Subseven is also hacking and DOES NOT make you a script-kiddie

I don't know what you think but I think their some really weird people on the internet…

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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explain how using sub7 and premade trojans is hacking?

There are 2 types of people who say that: 1 - complete retards 2 - people who are crap at hacking and have just learnt how to use sub7

ghost's Avatar
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or Belgian/Dutch MSN groups that handle hacking, I've went to about 10 groups and they all tell the same story. Scary…

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lol, try bringing that to their mind. Spoofing is their answer to everything :s

SQL-injection like ' or 1=1– is considered the hardest thing in the world, javascript-inject, to hard to be real. Visual Basic is THE programming language, C++ sucks, etc. etc.

I'm going to threw up I think, and they keep thinking that their 'def' of SK in right and that 'our' script kiddie is a lamer in their world.