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How did you start hacking?

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Ah…mine is a semi-long tale. Well, not really. But anyway, when I was 4 years old we had dial-up. Around christmas time I found this useful to find out what I was getting for christmas through the computer. My parents would talk to my relatives on the phone, I would connect to the net whilst they were talking and listen to my presents through the speakers. This was pertty neat I thought, although at the time I had no clue what I was doing, just thought it was fun.

Life progressed without any incident until grade 8 I would say. I got into neopets more for the games. Which led me to want to make a good userlookup. Hence, I learned HTML. Then in grade nine, I found out that file extensions can be used to acess progs the school doesn't want you to have. Grade 9 was a hacking dream for me personified into reality, I had actual windows computers to exploit and not macs like my old school. This led to multiple things, batch for one. After figuring out it's magical registry opening powers I learned more batch. I then learned all about telnet (never used it though, I just know what it is, same with FTP, SMTP (spl?)) Anyway, then one day…oh joy…I had been on HTS, and I looked up "hacking vending machines" on google. Where would this lead me?? Straight into the dark clutches of totse. (www.totse.com if you don't know) that led into a whole bunch of probs I won't discuss here, but my dad got a keylogger.

He then put us all on seperate computer accounts. Big mistake, now I could view his passwords from the keylogger. I went into his account, made myself admin (still am admin) the keylogger wouldn't go away, so I learned the values of hex editing (hexplorer, get it). I have been messing around with C++/Turing/Pascal/Java ever since pertty much, I bought books on hacking (I own about 3 books on hacking/programming) And I promote hacking for exploration and learning, not destruction. Why would you want to destroy something as beutiful as a computer system? Beats me. Anyway, got into linux the past month blah blah blah…and that's pertty much how my hacking life got where it is. (btw, I found out about this site from totse) well that's pertty much it. I would love to hear bout how you started ^^;;)

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interesting story.

if yuo want to know how i started, listen to my interview in the "interview with a hacker" section ;)

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For me hacking kinda started as a mistake. Before I started hacking I was a skateboarder and was never inside, could hardly tell you what a computer was or did. We had a couple skating videos that our local zumies was wanting to buy whitch got me into doing some searching on the net. From there things started to kick off. For all my life I have had an interest for electronics and taring them apart and figuring out how things work and how to exploit them to do new bigger better things. I came acrost a game called Half-Life Counter-Srike - I belive the current version was 1.4 but I remember version 1.5 for sure. This is where things kinda got started. While playing counter strike i always herd the word hacking and people talking about hacking. Although they werent talking about hacking as anyone in here would think but I soon started to google about hacking. After some time I started to read articles on computer hacking and hacking into sites. It was like a dream come true, something I would love to do. So from there I started googling for hacking sites and soon strolled apon Hackthissite. I forget how long I spent at Hackthissite but I belive I was there back when HTS was just starting up if I remember correctly it was about half a year old or something. I belive it was Grindordie I met on HTS and became friends with. Grindordie told me something about HBH and how they were building a hacking site like HTS but better. I ended up joining HBH as you can see 69th person to register on HBH and kinda tested what I had learned from HTS and googling.

I dont know if this would be a real story of how I started but I tend to block alot of things out from my past ;) Other wise you could expect this page to be like 100 times longer. :)

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simple for me, a friend told me about his friends site (one of those come her and try these challenges ill try and be hbh site, which sucks) and he had a link to here.

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for me, i started wayy back in the day, and i mean way back wen. I was about 5 years old wen my parents got our first computer. i loved it. It was an IBM. Wen i wasnt in preschool, i was on it. My uncle was the one who set it up at my house. He is a Network technician/programmer. He taught me a couple lil basic things like how to load programs and games from DOS and how to use the readme files. but all i did was play games and boot things from DOS. Im surprised that i was able to do all that, i picked up on it pretty quick. I didnt start hacking til i was about 12 wen my uncle came for a visit and showed me how to use telnet and ping and net stat. At the time, i didnt think much of it. then i started to read about how computers work and how programs work, like all the basics on how they operate and such, and how OS's work. i started reading actual hacking articles wen i was about 14. been doin it ever since, and will always keep doin it,. It is a passion of mine like many others on this site and all over the world.

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A friend(was a friend at the time) of mine was a hacker. Assumed we were computer stupid. (We, being me and 2 friends of mine) He told us that we couldn't hack, and even if we did try, we wouldn't succeed. So we proved him wrong. Started on HTS back in January. In March, one of us (Sahm) found HBH as a link off HTS. She got me into it. The other one of us kinda gave up on it. From there, I just kinda made it to here.

bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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You know, this question is a great one.

To tell you the truth, I got started when my friend showed me a lot of what he could do with programming. Since then, I have always wanted to become a professional programmer. I had heard the term hacker from the meaning on wikipedia of someone that is a programmer/edits code or a computer enthusiast. Since I loved computers, I ran a Google search for the word "Hacker" and ran across HackThisSite.org. I did a few of the challenges there, i got bored in a week. I started looking around their site buttons, found the HBH one, where I came here.

Now I have learned a lot of web programming, learned Perl and starting on C++ now.

Next year I am going to college to get my degree in programming so that I can become an entrepreneur in programming.


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This is definitly a great question, It started for me when I was 8 or 9, My neighbor got an old IBM which was new at the time and he showed me a game called Bats. I was instantly obsessed. I would constantly harass him to let me play it and eventually I got my own computer. After a while I wanted to learn to make games. So I picked up a book on QBasic and started learning, eventually when doing some research on Programming I Came Across HTS, (Funny how almost everyone finds this site from HTS isn't it),So any way i found HTS and from there I just started learning and eventually found my way here. Thats my story.

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I dont really recall the exact age i was, but probably around 14 years old my friend mike was really into computers and told me i should start it up to cuz its really funy. Me being the typical teenager and always online starring blankly at a monitor waiting for someone to IM me… i took his advice and started researching while i waited for that ungodlike instant message.

i researched for a little, but got easily sidetracked and played counter strike 1.5. during my hour of fun, a kid joined in the server i was in…and was 'hacking'. he got headshot after headshot…thne the admin said "turn them off or i ban you" and he said "ban me and ur server shuts down" so sure enough…banned, server down… and i was amazed. right after that i got more and more interested, and began researching. i figured if he can shut down a server in CS, i can kick a buddy of mine offline… so i googled AIM punter, found ghost toolz, and kicked some people off with a sadistic grin on my face…

my dads russian friend who is the most intelligent person ive ever met when it comes to computers came over one day and i told him about all this stuff i did… he called me a 'script kiddie' and said that was kindergarten stuff, then he gave me a bunch of stuff to start off with, books and all that, and things to google. ever since then ive been reading and reading about a bunch of different things.

i needed a quick answer to something so i googled it, found this site and joined it to get my answer…i cant remember when that was, awhile ago i know that…. after awhile of learning, i came back to here remembering what it had to offer, and now im building up my 'hacker' abilities one step at a time wiht the help of all you kind people! =Þ

– woo .. sorry for the length of that, i zoned out and just kept typin

AldarHawk's Avatar
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As Mr Cheese stated just listen to MY interview and you will find out a lot more. As many here know I have been on the computer for more years than most people on this site are old. So tune in and check it out :P

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Well I started hacking when I was 14. My friend learned like a tiny bit about html and some javascript. He showed me the stuff he learned one night. I stayed all night playing with the javascript. We made little challenges for each other to get the password and stuff. That went on for a week. Then he left to go back to Colorado(he was down here on vacation, used to live in my neighborhood in FL).

He had showed me W3Schools, so I went there everyday and read and learned and read and learned and read and learned and read and learned and read and learned… you get the point. I'm one of those people that don't stop learning. I read everything i get my hands on. Eventually I went to several different hacking sites as hacking became interesting obviously when you are programming. I was googling and found HBH. Been here since March 06. When I came here I never thought i would be able what i can today. As I did challenges here, I read tons of articles everywhere about everything.

Thats pretty much how I started hacking and how i progressed. To anyone pretty new to hacking, etc., I can not stress enough how important it is to READ EVERY THING you possibly can. Even if does not make sense at the time being, it will at one point. Don't learn one exploit and exploit many sites with just that one…Instead learn many exploits because that one exploit is not going to be on every site.

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Hello all, To this question it seems that for my answer it should be "I just did." But I feel that for all those who are ready to roll their eyes at that, I owe you a better explination.

I was 4 years old, I started noticing and making connections that other people didn't make or took for granted. This small part about when I was really young is based off stories from my parents and relatives When I would say something, and people would react in a wierd way then I would figure out why and see if I could do the same with a completely different set of words. This is, I belive, a form of hacking. I took a connection and reaction and attempted to bypass my current form of knowledge at a casue by finding a new one. Is this not what you and I do with passwords?

I have always had an interest in EVERYTHING. I took things apart constantly. And when I say that I mean I tore them up, grounded peices to shreds to see what made the peices of the pieces of the main component of the object up. I shocked myself a few times…heh, bzzzzt….and soon learned that I could MAKE things. This was wierd because I had come from being niave. I knew people made things and they didn't grow on trees. But I didn't know that people made them. It was always knowledge, but I never really understood before I made a bunch of wires and a battery from a torn up disposible camera that when you held the flash thing down it charded…then the wires which were taped to my door handle would be charged and whoever toughed the door would be shocked.

Then my interest scattered elsewhere for innumerable amounts of time. I learned basic computer use. Then, my friends and I at age 8 learned HTML and some very basic javascript. we made a website on neopets (I know, shut it,) Then started making others for say..school projects. We did one on Puffins.

I moved to Florida from Dayton Ohio and was instantly immersed in programming. I would learn the bare minimum of several several languages. My friend from Ohio and I would talk and he told me about HTS. I of course, said 'hey that sounds awesome." But my lazy a$$ never got around to actually visisting the site so it was a lost piece of info. A few months later a friend of mine was talking about hacking. HE told me about a program you downloaded that would allow you to hack. He told me about 'Prorat.' That is right, laugh all you want, for a period of 3 weeks I was a loathed and now despised script kiddie. But I got bored…as I do so easily. I was like..is this all? This couldn't be the limit of what you could do. And surly clicking buttons on that gui was boring as hell, man. So I went on HTS…I can't remember how long I was on but I beat some of the challenges and then decided "I don't like this place." I don't know why, I just…didn't. The whole site was stressful. So at the age of 12 I followed a link to HBH and haven't looked back since.

I would tell you the rest…but you only wanted to know how I began. So here ya go, NC

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Wow compared to everyone else my storys not worth the time but here it goes ne ways.

 When i was very young my mom held out a fat 1st grade pencil and said when you start school you have to write with this and i sad no im going to use a computer. and i did. 
i really never learned any thing until high school when they had a room dedicated to computers and ppl that liked them. at first like every 9th grade i said computers umm you cant take it home so no homework woot woot so i took it becuse it was easy well it turned out what i thought was easy wasnt easy for everyone(sidenote: i had a class where a girl didnt know where to type in a url.) then one day i got some *special trial software* that never expired thanks to a friend of mine and i thought wow thats amazing but i was too lazy to really get into it.                          then when i started collage i was going for computer programing and i was on a site that linked to this one i tired basic one and was blown away i mean yea its easy but acloplishing something that  whould lead to much greater things is the best feeling in the world and here i am. My only regret is not finding my new "home" earlier but i do want to thank Mozzer becuse hes the one that lead me here.

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well compared to a lot of these mine sucks, but here i go. from about the age of 10 ive always wanted to make a website because they were soooo cool at the time. but because i was in primary i couldnt do anything. when i got into secondary school i started asking random teachers how to make websites and came across the school librarian who knew a bit about html. from there i went to yahoo geocities(geocities.com) and thought it was pretty awesome.

then i heard someone in my school had started learning to hack(minermonk) and thought that sounded pretty cool-under the influence of hollywood i thought it was like magic. i googled and quickly found.. HTS. they were so damn easy though so i first went to enigmagroup from the hall of shame and psychomarine's site ref, then found out it wasnt that good at explaining stuff so came here. HBH rocks!

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I was interested in computers when one day a buddy of mine send me some e-mail convo with a Dutch hacker. He mentioned HTS.

When I was sick I got alot of spare and stared to explore HTS. When it did most of the challenges I moved on to HBH.

Next stop for me will be something that will teach me about rooting, UNIX, networks, etc. Any links/help is always welcome ;)

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The_Cell wrote: I was interested in computers when one day a buddy of mine send me some e-mail convo with a Dutch hacker. He mentioned HTS.

When I was sick I got alot of spare and stared to explore HTS. When it did most of the challenges I moved on to HBH.

Next stop for me will be something that will teach me about rooting, UNIX, networks, etc. Any links/help is always welcome ;)


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bl4ckc4t wrote: smashthestack.org

Thanks, I alredy found Pull The Plug but that one is a bit too advanced for me at the moment :p

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Lets see…

My dad is an electrician, and he had always taught me skills he used. By age three I knew simply how to connect wires by color codes or the positive/negative/ground… I would always go to the ratshack and pick up wires, boxes, lights, and all the other junk and hook it up like a circuit from age four to seven and learned how it worked.

My family finally got a computer, Windows ME, around 98 or 99 when I was eight and I learned how to use different simple programs. Then I learned about the massive game "neopets" (which sucks by the way) and learned how to use HTML and CSS to customize my pages. I met some people through neopets who were actually cheat programmers, and I picked a few skills up from them.

One told me about HTS and I learned basics of hacking, and then my computer got fucked and the HDD fried. I was offline for a few weeks until I got my current box windows XP professional. All of last summer I put time into programming and porking my girlfriend, then I broke up with the bitch because she wouldn't give me time by myself and came back to HBH :p

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Well, I've always been into computers for as long as i can remember. I've always been good at taking bits out and replacing them from an early age. you know, doing stuff you wouldn't expect your average 8 year old to do. Then a few years later (Around 12 or 13 years old) i started to visit Hack This Site quite a lot, but at that time, a lot of what I was being told didn't quite stick. I guess I got into it for the wrong reason back then. I just wanted to do it because i wanted to show off. Then a month or so back someone i know asked me if i'd heard of Hack This Site. I told him I used to visit but I left because I didn't feel i was benefiting from it. Then while looking at a completely unrelated site (chavscum.co.uk i think) i came across this site. Joined up, and now realise theres more to hacking than breaking the law. ;)

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Well my first experience with hacking was went i found a major exploit in my school website just by navigating on the website with an old browser that didn't support cookie … This way i was navigating throw the website without being log and i wasn't redirect because something was echo before the header ( "Location: …" ) and when i was log without user i could access the "Modify" Option on every page of the teacher on the site. I talk about it to my brother and he talk about it to some "stupid" friend and they used that to defeaced the math page. I almost got into trouble but no one found that i originaly found the exploit. After that I was doing a lot of programmation and I came to HTS by a really random link on google video I think. I found most of the basic challenge easy so wanted to learn more about it. After that I've done lot of challenge on HTS, I was kindda bored so i found two interesting site. HBH, CorruptCode, Hackits … I soon found that Hackits was kind a stupid, because of the answer were something like "IBM suck" , "French suck" (I'm French :p). CorruptCode went down and I didn't really came back. So this is why I'm still here in HBH.

WOW, I think this is my longest post ever.

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Heh isn't i funny that everyone started hacking from neopets…I did too…Hmmmmmmm maybe neopets was created secretly to get people inspred and start hacking and they are really an evil community!!!!!!…………….Nah……lol

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My story is that I basically got bored one day and decided to start hacking (actually I had hacked a site just by playing around and assumed it must be easy, considering the amount of people who use the site would make you think it was safe)… Also I can never seem to take my time to learn a language properly… I moved from JS to PHP in about an hour or 2 because JS bored me… I also moved onto C++ after a few days… But now I've decided to stick with my site for a while…

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Well I've been on computers so long that I learned my ABC's off of them and was installing games at the age of 3…Anywho that has nothing to do with me becoming a hacker.

Late last year, I had a myspace (embarrassing but true) that got hacked by a member of a site called g00ns.net

After that I was pretty pissed off…Though all I did about it was write up a blog on how to avoid damage from hackers when I got everything up and going again…And of course, everybody learns HTML from myspace.

Anywho, with all that irrelevant business out of the way. Recently my computer got a trojan horse from a download off of limewire. My uncle has some good programs for fixing all that business and he's had my comp for the last week or so until I get the chance to pick it up.

Since this is the second time my computer has had to go to my uncle for repairs, I want to start learning about all the programming, scripts, and everything else associated.

I'm still not a hacker and expect it takes a fairly long time before knowing how to do some descent hacking by yourself and writing your own scripts, but I'm definitly on my way and looking forward to the endless possibilities that will come from the knowledge I gain.

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My story isn't realy an interesting one, as a matter of fact the way I look at it, I'm still "starting hacking". Im still finding new things. The first time I got a computer was when I was ten, it wasn't the best I believe it was before the Dell Demensions came out. Now I have my gateway laptop and am saving up for a Mac(or XPS). I used to be an active member of a site by the name of RottenEggs.com I left that sit after a while then took a break with computers when I came back I remembered how there was a whole other world in this computer, in these wires. I then left RottenEgss because the fact that many of the guys were just staright up douche bags. Unlike the community we have here everyone was with race, religion, color, and age. Here none of that matters we are all here for the same purpose. to live, learn. hack. We live to feed off knowledge. That is why I turned to the hacker community and culture. That is my story and I am stil learning.


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For me probaly the whole thing started with the game americas army. So i was a "game hacker" and then i wanted to learn how to code my own stuff. So i went around and taught myself unrealscript thenfound the wonders of python. Things got moving from then onwards. I taught myself C++ and C# then i got some basic scripting skill then moved onto web design. It was on my freewebs site that i started to get malicious. I started to steal some cookies with good old javascript. then i dont know how but i stumbled across hbh about 3 months ago and since then ive just taught myself about exploits and read articles and tried to be as active in this forum as possible. I might not be as cool in this community or as well known as some of the other guys but im happy with my 860 points. I think thats pretty good for me considering i didnt get any help on the challenges. SANTA

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One day out of no-where these people found me and I think it was from this site a couple months ago by the name of -Intrus- and el3v3nty and they were going to hack me or something and I'm never sure if they did or not but we ended up becoming friends..it was kind of awkward..I'm not the genius here 'cause I've only fooled around here and there for 3 or so months but I'm learning.:happy:

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there was this annoying kid at my school I didn't like, so I wanted to mess up his social life via email, such as emailing girls w/ loves notes, or even other boys after I ended up learning how to spoof an email…the kid had already ticked off the rest of the school…and nobody liked him I would have stopped there, but my 80 year old computer teacher motivated me to 'take the extra step' in computer class, as we were learning how to send emails and what a slide rule was…she motivated me to shut down the server while I was in computer class……………..

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well i cant say hacking but yeah the fire to learn about computers ignited in me, when one of my class mates (who was miserable at computers in high school,failed in all exams) i met after four years hacked my ORKUT account.. next week he hacked my ISP and took me off the net.

When i asked him, he said it's all theory put into practise.. then as he guided i went to w3school learned a bit ..still learning learning…

than 2 months back i asked him where to prctise he showed me the way to HBH…..

I owe him big time… his name is UnknownFromHell

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I started out in about 8th grade. I wanted to learn how to make games, and be a game programmer. I went to research game programming languages, like C++ and super-easy DarkBasic. From there, I somehow decided once I made a cool game, I needed to advertise it, so I learned some HTML to make a webpage.

The 'hacking' part comes in when I learned how to use View Source and learned about forms. I learned I could make a fake Yahoo! Mail page that made the password come out in plain text when people typed it instead of the black dots. I got a bunch of my firends to login to my phishpage, because they looked at the keyboard when they typed instead of on screen. I got into about 4 of my firends' acounts and screwed around alot. From there, I decided to learn a little more about this whole hacking shennanigan, and well, here I am!

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ive always been interested but one day i was talking with my friend and his other friend was talking about this its..so he sent me the link it was to hackthissite..soo i did most of the missions on there and participated in the frorums as "zachhh". but then i got bored of the hts missions so i saw a link for hellbound on hts so i decided to check it out..and now here i am..ive only been into this for about 2-3 months and i plan on taking it further

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saw the movie hackers,lol(a movie i still love) and started looking around and found hts,and then followed the link to hbh/

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haha…..gotta love all the people that started on HTS and ended up here….story of my life too

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I've always been pretty good with computers and math and just being able to see things a bit differently then other people. So anyways, I've always been interested in hacking because one of my brother's friends was a hacker (and yea, a GOOD hacker, not a sk, sadly I don't know his handle) and I used to see him do all this crazy stuff. But my beginning in the hacker world didn't start till I'd say this last summer. I was playing this like riddle game and you had to go through the site and try to find stuff to get to the next level and my brother says to me "You know, you'd probably be really good at hacking". And that was that, the next day I started googling, found a tutorial on things you should learn to start hacking. Then I found HTS (haha), I was there for a while, did some challenges. Stopped going there, got better at JS and started C, then I went back to HTS, and found this site off of it. Now I keep learning everyday, and I am a member of both HTS and HBH.

I-O-W-A's Avatar
[Forever Blind To See]
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i always liked computers an finding things out an just needed to find summin where i could learn with others doing the same thing (Thanks HBH And Mr_Cheese) i did briefly look at HTS but took one look an thought it was Shit (Sorry For All You HTS Fans Out There) kept searching them came across HBH, an here i am gone from just about being able to do the basic challanges to not being able to do any more realistic ones lol

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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i started when i had 10 hours a week of frees in year 12. thronworld who never signs on any more got me into it!

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lol. "the devil makes work for idle thumbs"

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a friend from school could hack, i asked him to teach me but he was too "high and mighty" to, so over the summer i did some googleing, found hts, then hbh. learned alot, came back to school and showed him what i could do. he could still pwn me any day of the week tho…

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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it cracks me up the way you say never looked back as though you've been here a long time.. and yet your rank is newbie. don't get me wrong, good luck man.,

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I started for the chicks…

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didnt we all though nights

i mean i get all the poon nowadays :D

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sleazoid wrote: haha

didnt we all though nights

i mean i get all the poon nowadays :D

Well, what can i say, chicks dig hackers. :p I mean, you all seen the movie 'Hackers', he got that chick from Tomb Raider in that movie! Everyone knows how realistic that movie is!

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Well, let's see…

Started learning with a Commodore Plus-4 when I was 3. Learned to prog in Basic.

Moved on to an 8088 running DOS. That's where I really got interested in learning more about an OS and how to manipulate it. Granted, it was "just" DOS, but still…

Got a Packard Bell running Windows 95, later upgraded to 98SE, and learned Turbo Pascal. Used it to write programs to do my homework for me.

Kept at it, checked out HTS, googled for a better / other site, and found HBH.

On a non-tech note, though, I think my fanatical interest in mathematics drew me to "learning to hack". I enjoy the logic, I guess.

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well if you're so in touch with the inner side of a computer the logic part then cracking apps should be something to your liking

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Well i've always been amazed with computers… and i like the insides of th ecomputer one time it was blinking and i thought it was coool. i learned HTML from myspace.. and i loved it so went on and searched programming on google or something found HTS, like all of us. SAW hellboundhackers.org and i was like cool name went there and this is where i go here and hackits.de

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Well, I#ve started with computers, when I was 10 or 11. I played a lot of games and learned much about Windows 98. When I was 12 or 13, someone wanted to make games and he tried out gamemaker. He'd asked me wther I know some formulas for speeding up a ball in a game, because I was the best in maths. I've told him, that I don't know much of programming, and that made me think about that. So I simply got some CDs from a programmer, who lived in the same house as I and I learned Visual Basic. After some time I've tried out C++ for making a game, but it was really hard. Then I learned JavaScript and HTML. After another year I was nearly 14 and I have tried out with some people and a teacher how to make super computers. We had also learned about remote controling computers and after a while we all saw there a real-life-hack-attempt! After that I had became interested in hacking and I've found HTS and HBH. Now I know best in computers in my class:).


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Lawl got a link off HTS to HBH

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lets see, about a year back i got a myspace and started spending a hell of a lot of time on the computer. As you know myspace allows html, i found it really interesting, and thats when i started learning html. After that, i felt, damn i wanna hack other peoples myspaces. So being a complete n00b i went around googling "hacking myspaces" and "get into friends' myspaces." As you probably can guess i found nothing but a link to hts. For about a week hts was all i did on the comp, then i found hbh. From here ive learned php, sql, javascript, and c++ and thats how i got where i am today.

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neopets. B)

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two words…Matrix Movie :ninja: lol jkjk

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I don't Consider Myself a "Hacker" because I'm still way new at all this..but it was about a year and a half ago and I Skateboarded all the time and played guitar and crap and when it came to computer I thought i knew what i was doing but I KNEW NOTHING and my Buddy (infamous3words) introduced me to HTS which i was like cool i can do this and when i got to the infamous N00b test…..i was like what do i do…i didn't even know what the source code was or anything i did a couple challenges on there but i really started getting into Batch file crap so i was making stupid batch files that did nothing but waste my time and didn't work on other peoples computer…so one day i showed our school IT my source for my batch file and he started a C++ Programming class for us and that really re sparked my intrest in computers. [Which after this I Had a Short Script Kiddie Spell] then I was talking to someone from HTS and they told me to come over here because its really good and i have been here for ever since and i really enjoy all the challenges and i really Aprecciate Infamous3words he is a really big influence to me and a inspiration to keep learning all i can and never stop reading about computers/programming/and all that Jazz but ya have a good day everybody…..peace

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i unno a while back i discovered dos-prompt and wanted to learn how it worked… while searching(google hehe) i came across alot of thingss… dos is used in hacking… and telnet and things like that. Then i searched for hacking and came across HTS. From there followed a link to here, the name sounded cooler ^_^. I havent stopped learning since w00tw00t

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someone hacked my pc, thats where I became interested in how he did it.

then I came across HTS and then HBH

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i used to believe that all hackers are evil and must be eradicated for good.(i was a kid,and i believed the media..and oh god..listed to boy bands..i was a kid back then..)Then i became interested in games and tried making my own in BASIC.Then i chanced on a book that said that hackers are useful and helped develop computing.I became interested and started to get fanatical.(i'm kinda intense person) I learned from websites and got nowhere.But i found HTS and HBH and I never looked back.When I almost finished high school(graduated,now waiting to go to college,no prizes for guessing my major)I argued with a Tech teacher when a book we used mentioned that hackers create viruses to destroy data and shit.I fought back,saying that hackers are the creators of the modern computer,and made mankind easier,not the brainless corporate drones which we were bred to be.In my country,one wizard who exclusively worked with microsoft is featured in the english textbook.I told myself,i'll never be a sell-out like this dude.I decide d to be a hacker that promotes FOSS,and cracks security networks and all the stuff you are not supposed to do.B4 i wrap this up,I read an article on ethical hacking by some Professor in a student advisory mag for IT.All the crap..and then,funnily enough,he mentioned that hackers develop the internet and the open source movement.Funnily enough,he said that the FOSS movement is "Shareware"I know i won't study with this dude.

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My story isn't very exciting either. I needed something to take my mind off a lot of stuff and I began searching the net and found out that not a lot of girls were into hacking. I kinda got a fleeting intrest in hacking and computers before so I thought it would be a good time killer. Plus, I'd be adding to the "girls don't normally do that" stats. xD A bit after that I stumbled upon this site and I've been here ever since.

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lol dont u love how most of the people found hts first and then found hbh from there?

(thats what happened to me, i found hts first)

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rockbll4 wrote: lol dont u love how most of the people found hts first and then found hbh from there?

(thats what happened to me, i found hts first)

HBH is my HTS and EG is my HBH

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ROFL something hilarious is I went to HTS once then found the name santa was taken so ive never been there since.

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I started off as a phone phreak…it was all we had as a kid (I'm a bit older than most of you). Analog switching and social engineering was 90% of phreaking back then. Being the odd-ball kid in a small hick town, that made for great difficulty in making friends, so my parents bought me a computer since I had read every book in the house many times over. Then a kid moved in down the road from me and his dad worked as an engineer for AT&T…he showed me the world as it is seen thru the eye of a fiber optic cable.

He basically became my second father….a mentor. He let me read every technical document he had, took me on all day tours of switching stations/microwave relay towers/etc, and best of all…showed me what a library really was. From there it was all over, I assimilated as many books per week as the librarians would allow me to check out…but all the knowledge in the world won't help you in practical application…I created a personal computer lab and from that point, it was all over.

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Christ buckets O_o this got a lot of replies while I was away. I forgot I wrote it, and almost started another one. xP

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In the beginning, there was only a tree, an axe and me.

So I started hacking.

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 Well I wouldn't consider myself a hacker since I'm pretty newbish to this stuff. But I used to be very dumb with computer not even knowing what a source code was and the only ctrl thing i new was ctrl n. that was when i was about ten I thought i was smart with computers and stuff. But one day I found Hackthissite.org and went to basic missions and couldn't figure it out for about a year. Then one day I came back to the sight knowing not much more and looked at the forums and found out what a source code was and started reading some articles and i finished basic 1-4 in one day and thought it was pretty cool. so i came back to it but basic 5 had me confused so i kept reading and found it out pretty easily. and that's about it after that  I started learning the stuff pretty fast and i finished the rest of the basics and Real 1-3 in about a week. I made an account at Hellboundhackers.org thinking it would be alike but I've learned alot from HBH and am still learning I know it's a pretty lame way and I'm still a newb but whatever I'm hoping by the time i graduate from high school I will still be learning about hacking and/or making program, websites and stuff

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Eman861 wrote: Well I wouldn't consider myself a hacker since I'm pretty newbish to this stuff. But I used to be very dumb with computer not even knowing what a source code was and the only ctrl thing i new was ctrl n. that was when i was about ten I thought i was smart with computers and stuff. But one day I found Hackthissite.org and went to basic missions and couldn't figure it out for about a year. Then one day I came back to the sight knowing not much more and looked at the forums and found out what a source code was and started reading some articles and i finished basic 1-4 in one day and thought it was pretty cool. so i came back to it but basic 5 had me confused so i kept reading and found it out pretty easily. and that's about it after that I started learning the stuff pretty fast and i finished the rest of the basics and Real 1-3 in about a week. I made an account at Hellboundhackers.org thinking it would be alike but I've learned alot from HBH and am still learning I know it's a pretty lame way and I'm still a newb but whatever I'm hoping by the time i graduate from high school I will still be learning about hacking and/or making program, websites and stuff

Why wait? You can start accomplishing that right now, making websites, writing programs, and hacking will develop while learning that stuff. ;)

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It all began one day when I was at church and two of my friends were talking about their friends uber 1337ness. (they said the guys were like blowing up peoples CD's in the disk drive by speeding up the RPM of it) then I was wondering how to shut down a computer with the DOS, and I started google-ing for commands for the dos. I learned shutdown, taskkill (which is strange because my computer is like the only one with taskkill on it) after I figured out how to shut down computers, I tried doing it remotely at school, which didn't work. I figured it was all going to be easy, that's what it sounded like. Then I figured out that everything cool that could be executed or run remotely, had to be ran by an admin. Then I figured out my best friend had also started "hacking" and he taught me all the stuff he knew. Then I just flew by him as he was sort of lazy. I'm trying to ween him to this day from being lazy. I was on HTS, and I told him about it, and we stayed on there for a while. Then he found HBH, and then I moved over here. Since then my learning curve has risen VERY greatly. I still get on HTS occasionally to see if I can pass a mission that had boggled me in the past.

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Spiritus55 wrote: It all began one day when I was at church and two of my friends were talking about their friends uber 1337ness. (they said the guys were like blowing up peoples CD's in the disk drive by speeding up the RPM of it) then I was wondering how to shut down a computer with the DOS, and I started google-ing for commands for the dos. I learned shutdown, taskkill (which is strange because my computer is like the only one with taskkill on it) after I figured out how to shut down computers, I tried doing it remotely at school, which didn't work. I figured it was all going to be easy, that's what it sounded like. Then I figured out that everything cool that could be executed or run remotely, had to be ran by an admin. Then I figured out my best friend had also started "hacking" and he taught me all the stuff he knew. Then I just flew by him as he was sort of lazy. I'm trying to ween him to this day from being lazy. I was on HTS, and I told him about it, and we stayed on there for a while. Then he found HBH, and then I moved over here. Since then my learning curve has risen VERY greatly. I still get on HTS occasionally to see if I can pass a mission that had boggled me in the past.

lol i wouldnt call it "lazy", its more like "more into gfx now".

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lol i wouldnt call it "lazy", its more like "more into gfx now".

I would call it lazy. And what the fuck is gfx? You little nub. Call it by what it's supposed to be called. And these people and their little internet abbreviations. What's so hard about typing correctly? And when is the last time that you actually did a mission without getting half of the answer? (javascript doesn't count, you try-it whore)?

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I'm not much of a hacker, in fact I'm still learning the basics. But I came on to hacking back when I was in the 9th grade. I had always wondered how to get around blocks at home and in school. Students would always find the dns ip converter and then someone would find out how to use netsend over cmd prompt. While the firewall was down one day at my high school I took advantage of the situation and went to HTS and signed up. For a day, it was great. I had one friend in particular who was real big in to hacking and would use NetBus while people on the network would be playing Counter Strike. He would use NetBus to somehow hack their passwords and would then remotely sign them off of their laptops. It was great to watch becuase he would target someone sitting next to him and you would hear the person scream obscenities through the classroom because he was logged off his computer and the game.

I know that was kind of a run on, but I guess what I am trying to say is that I got in to hacking because I wanted to learn. To this day I prefer Stegano and Application cracking the most fun, but I want to fluently learn a coding language sometime soon. Not sure which one yet, but I have time to think about it. Its not like I'm ever going to give up on computers or learning.

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started programming in 6th grade. in 7th grade i got inspired by the media, searched up 'hacking' and found my way to hts. to my delight it wasnt what i thought it was, it took logic and skill, and i thrived in hts. once i completed the hts missions that looked appealing, i found a link to hbh.

since then ive been very interested in xss and sql injection mostly, because i work a lot in php/sql.


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-cL wrote: I wanted to be Über 31337 and go hack the gibson and all that shit..

Never worked though xD

Gibson = NASA, Pentagon etc. Been done before, there is a way :)

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-cL wrote: I guess the first step is to hack

still working on that xD Rofl!

has anyone here done that?

I once grabbed my sam file and cracked it but has anyone rooted their computer or something?

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but has anyone rooted their computer or something?

To root you need to perform a few scans. Most people use Nmap or something similiar, I know for a fact that Nmap does -not- support scanning localhost.

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spyware wrote: To root you need to perform a few scans. Most people use Nmap or something similiar, I know for a fact that Nmap does -not- support scanning localhost.

I agree. Scanning for open ports gives you an idea of what might be running, unless they have a firewall that can mask or forge the responses to your typical SYN scan. Catch some banners while you're scanning, and you have a good chance of getting specific service names and versions. Then, Google is your friend for finding elementary exploits. If that doesn't turn up anything, then set up a virtual machine, install the service on that, and learn how it works. Pen test that virtual machine running that service and, once you find a vuln, use it on the actual target.

Oh, and Amap rocks compared to Nmap… I know there's a Linux version, but not sure if it has a Windows one. I'm sure someone will correct me; until then, you might be able to use it with Cygwin. Finally, Nmap doesn't support scanning localhost, but you have three options for that:

  1. Scan from another machine on your internal network.
  2. Scan from a virtual machine that is virtually networked to the physical one.
  3. Go to NmapYourself.com

Those are just basics, though. Rooting is a rich and deep subject which cannot be covered adequately in a forum post, a single article, or even a site devoted to the subject.

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spyware wrote: To root you need to perform a few scans. Most people use Nmap or something similiar, I know for a fact that Nmap does -not- support scanning localhost.

actually, that is only on windows, and that's just that it doesn't let you use the iface's IP, you need to hit the loop directly.

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Well lets see.. I received my first computer around age 6.. It was windows 3.1 w/ networking.. :D , anyway it just seemed amazing to me. I just wanted to know how it worked. So I began to learn the environment and picked up on some simple dos utilities. Since then I have just been learning everything I could and experimenting with my own networks. I learned all about computers, networks, and just how everything works. I just started learning web hacking about 4 years ago. Now I'm in college for Computer Science/Network Security and it's awesome. I'm taking my A+, Network + in a week, and hopefully more soon. ( I know they don't mean much, but to know that I def know what I believe I know is important to me. ) That's pretty much it. Nothing special.. ;)

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Started with hacking? Well, when I was 8 years old, my parents gave first computer to my 6 years older brother, there was system Windows 95. Brother didn't allow me to use it because it could fall, so I had to stay in DOS and I learned basic commands there, I figured out that I can stay with that for a really long time. Then came time for Win98 and I started programming in that time… We got first connection to internet (over dial-up) when I was 12… then became my big era of social engineering… I confused ppl to download and execute my own malware and netcat-included scripts. I had ftp server on my computer and were using cmd batches to download it and set it to registry up… I also learned a lot by studying of PHP and MySQL databases, I think that is all I can say :)

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started programming when i was 8, good aul QBASIC with my cousin.. my cousin is a computer absolute genius, but is autistic so he got bored of teaching me stuff that was way behind himself.

taught my self VB, despite the fact its almost useless. learned HTML and PHP in the last few years, and i am in the process of teaching myself Java, almost got to GUI coding stage. also messing around with linux hacking.

got out of the whole "web-hacking" scene for ages, coz it just got stale. used to have a group of lads that would "penetration test" ;) things.. i was by far the worst, with my inelegant and rarely successful injections..

but now im back.. :D:D

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deathalive wrote: Started with hacking? Well, when I was 8 years old, my parents gave first computer to my 6 years older brother, there was system Windows 95. Brother didn't allow me to use it because it could fall, so I had to stay in DOS and I learned basic commands there, I figured out that I can stay with that for a really long time. Then came time for Win98 and I started programming in that time… We got first connection to internet (over dial-up) when I was 12… then became my big era of social engineering… I confused ppl to download and execute my own malware and netcat-included scripts. I had ftp server on my computer and were using cmd batches to download it and set it to registry up… I also learned a lot by studying of PHP and MySQL databases, I think that is all I can say :)

This story makes absolutely no sense at freaking all. The computer could fall so you had to stay in .. DOS? CMD batches? Wth :/

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Well, it was really just a chain of events.

5yrs old - At aunt's place and get to play on "Warcraft II" 6 Watch as my cousin hacks a copy of Warcraft II for me. Becomes very interested… 9 Gets Warcraft 3, becomes a quite renowned "map maker"… later fnds way to hack the maker and get more 'unique' things in my maps… 10 Becomes a skiddie, using programs I find on the net to hack Wc3 11 Gets World Of Warcraft, learns hacks like botting, model edits, client side edits, ect. Slowly growing out of being a skiddie and making my own things. 12 Finds www.mmowned.com, a emulation site. For two years I hacked, I messed with SQL, I made websites for private servers, released model edits, and met a semi-hacker comunity. 14 I get in a computers class with 6hackers and a hacker teacher. Get linux. Find the hacker's manifesto, see that great moral guide http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html , and found several real hacker websites like hackthissite, RTB, HBH, ect. I'm at the revolutionary stage thats written in other people's posts.

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I'd say my minor starts were in 8th grade when my teachers bragged that they had "disabled" CDs and USB keys, so of course I proved them wrong, even writing batches to prevent them from messing with me. I'm not sure if this can be called hacking, but it was what got me started.

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I started when I saw some video on youtube and it made me want to learn HTML. Then i just went on from there.

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I just (since veeeeeeeeery long) started to learn computer languages, started with HTML, then C++, then I read this (http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html) which made up my hacking principles. And… Long story then…

xxSk1N_D33Pxx's Avatar
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Shamefully I got into hacking after designing a layout for Myspace.

Was looking up HTML, then fell in love with JavaScript.

Before then i used to tease my dad for being a programmer, but now he's like my mentor.

Found HTS on google, and was amazed and dumbfounded at the challenges, since then been learning more and more about computer security.

Still learning, still amazed :p

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At 10 years old I got my first computer. Ever since then, I've had a love of technology and hacking. I have a simple story compared to you guys;)

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atari computer plugged into the tv. it just had basic. and it ruled.

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Alright, so, I'm sure you are all dying to hear the story of flaming_Figures. Gather round children, it is story time! (Story time? YAY!)

So, I was first influenced into hacking at about 4. I was literally typing before I was writing (writing normal that is) It started out with my brother-in-law coming from New Zealand. He is my biggest influence by far (although, now I am ashamed :( ) but anyways, as soon as he came here he showed me some text games in basic (which got me reading too) I thought they were pretty damned cool! (considering all my sister had on that windows 3.11 box was games like loony toons rip-off and pizza worm) so I thought it was neat. Then he showed me how to make my own. At that point I was in awe (and for that matter, the people watching the 4 year old spitting out hundreds of lines of script were too) So basically, before I knew how to spell words, the computer became my vocabulary. (not that I walked around going, "102048137419 print "Hi mommy" if $mood = "good" goto 10920938012938 else goto 10192874829823

10920938012938 print "I broke that lamp" 10192874829823 print "I'm going to watch YTV")

But that would be funny… Anyways, so that was fun. Then (around 6/7) neopets came. It started as a cool site for games (not really) and taking care of those damned genetic malformations called "pets" and then it turned to games and the little webpage they let you screw around with. I learned html there, and that started me beyond basic. It became strictly for the web page, until my brother-in-law showed me (at 8) how to run my own server and website off of my computer. SO now I am psycho in love with the computer. So from HTML, he showed me Javascript, and I thought it was cool. Then he showed me PHP, and I didn't think it was as cool (till now, now I am orgasmic over it) and then, for programming needs, he got me into visual basic… okay, no. Not ture - I have never succumbed to Vbasic.

Now, once I was deep into programming and scripting, he got me onto ethics (before actual talking to me about how to hack etc.) Just a few stories in, and just a few links to pages such as a Hackers Manifesto later, I was deep into ethical hacking. He then taught me about the hats, and script kiddies. I've always placed myself a grey hat… Anyways, he took me out on my first wardrive when I was 12 when my internet company cut my internet for no reason. So then he showed me linux. And ya. All the rest I taught myself, got into a few communities (a few which I have seen little to no ethics and far too many skiddies) and now I know things that big hackers are still trying to learn. I've learned:

-Use your own programs for hacking -When you hack, you don't use a password. You find ways around it. -A good shell or CMD is one of the most powerful tools you have -You CAN DDoS with a SINGLE COMPUTER and he did it for me (possibly ;)) -while 1337 speak can be fun, all it makes you look like is a noob -A newbie is a new person simply trying to learn -a noob is someone who thinks they know far more than they do, and does it in a snobby know it all kind of way -Never take credit…. The best ones are never known

So.. this post was long… holy shit… Oh well, as you can see, I am a friend of ethics ;) Who thinks I should turn this into an interview? lmao

[EDIT] OH YA!! and I did most of my basic "programming" on a laptop from '93 running on windows 3.11[/EDIT]

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I started copying games out of a book for the commodore 64 when i was 6 or 7 "load "*" ,8,1" lol … then basic - visual basic - c++ - html - java - and this horrible server side command interface a car dealership was running that was like franken-fortran ;)

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2002 - A friend gave me a copy of a "Hacker's Encyclopedia" CD which sparked my interest!

2003 - Hacked into my teacher's account (I used Cain & Abel) and found out she's always horny! hahaha…

2007 - Back to the scene after 4 years of studying Electrical Engineering… Now, I'm just trying to pick-up where I left off… that's why I kind of got left behind…

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I started by getting the "Contra Virus." That was recent, possibly from watching adult friendly videos. It's what i like to call an exploder, because you can clean it up some, but when you restart your computer it explodes everywhere! I was able to grasp every concept in a non-technical way and thought of it as something that I could do.

But i've been around computers for too long to be able to know where that interest started. I mean, my first nightmare was about warcraft 2. …they were coming up the driveway, a few grunts …and they had a catapult…. I knew I was royaly boned. [just remembered] Oh man, and my human foot soldiers didn't help me. they fuckin chased me down.[/wierdness]

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Well as a kid I was always interestend in everything ( I wanted to know how to reverse-engineer (cracking), how to hack, how to ph3ark, how to code applications…well all. The best part is that you can't "get it all" you must concentrate only on one thing at time and do your best at it. I'm 17 now and really, i got mcuh experience but woud like to know more and "level up" myselfe.

Anyway hacking started in 98-99 as I did get my first PC in 96 when i was only 6.

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mhm everybody's begun so early. Well I didn't have my own computer untill I was I think 12 or 13… I wasn't really interested in computers, untill i discovered 3d graphics, I was doing it a while, but where is no artistic talent, you eventually reach your peak and can't improve much:D so then i was just messing with computers for a while, nothing specific, and then about 8 month ago I started with html, and I even don't know how, i found HBH, well and I've been here since :D

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i actually watched a documentary about Kevin Mitnick and it facinated me and after watching i starded researching how to do cool things on a computer but than thankfully i found this site :D havnt stoped learning

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i started at the same time that i started university

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Well, I grew up in a Blackhat environment when i was younger. i stumbled across hacking about 12 years ago when i was 5. I didn't really do anything at the time, but from then until i was about 9 my brothers would show me what they could do with coding. They would basically code small stuff to annoy the IT administrator at our school. After i started getting out of the gaming portion of my computer career, i started to mess around with taking computers and stuff apart. It was fun, but i lost interest for a while because i always thought i was gonna break something.

Later on i would get into a computer repair class and relight that flame of computers. People knew that i knew my way around computers and how to do a lot of things that they never figured out. I got mad at the IT guy one day and i took the Admin pass by copying the SAM file to a flash drive and cracking it at home. Once something happened to the computers though everyone started pointing fingers at me even though i didn't do it. So i was forced to help him find what happened to the network. Wasn't the best 4 hours of my life, but i lived through it.

Ever since that day i kinda liked messing around with computers. The idea of being able to mess up and fix the computers i infected was almost intoxicating. Still, I've had the problem with the same guy over and over again. No matter how i go about it, i always get the shaft, lol. You're all right about that whole parent's and IT people hate being inferior.

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Well I was first introduced to the internet at my best friends house. He had AOL at the time. Really crappy old version where you had to pay by the hour or some shit.

I started to talk shit to a lot of people in chat rooms, then one day I guess I discovered warez. I started hitting up all the private chats like "server" "warez" "l33t" etc. Then I decided to download visual basic. VB was cool I copied other peoples proggie scripts, and edited them to my use hence script kiddie. I started to read GTMHH(Guides To Most Harmless Hacking) by Carolyn C. Meinel. It was awesome it was better than sex. I was also very addicted to playing quake 1 on TEN(total entertainment network) the mods were just so sweet. I would stay up all night just fragging away at 13 years old. Ah the good old days. Anyway that's basically it.

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I m a bit new to these things.. I mean I just started things.. 2 years ago, i came to capital of country Nepal(kathmandu) & that was the first time I have touched computer.. After coming to Ktm, I joined biology college but after my first year in the college, I started to have keen interest in computers.. First I started with chatting, became bored.. Then started social networking sites llike hi5, myspace.. That too bored me.. After that I started to mod my nokia & motorola fones.. My fones were lost & then I started to learn hacking.. In the beginning, I would search on the google with the query how to hack hotmail password & similar but I could not get good results.. Just started to learn things… I googled much & got few sites like darkmindz, h4cky0u, etc.. I was searching for challenge sites. I tried hackthissite but I didn't like it much coz it was too slow in my country.. Then I got thisislegal which was relatively new but I liked it… Then I started reading tons of articles on sql injection, xss, rfi/lfi, csrf, sixss, etc… & Finally I got to this site hbh.. & of course i like the challenges in this site.. better than hackthissite or any other..

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sam207 wrote: I m a bit new to these things.. I mean I just started things.. 2 years ago, i came to capital of country Nepal(kathmandu) & that was the first time I have touched computer..

Two years and you're already trying to define what a hacker is?

-he doesn't flame newbies.
-he doesn't stop learning.
-he doesn't hesitate to question no matter how much he is pro.```

Well, perhaps you're right. Maybe your puny statement is one I should take in to consideration. Did you make that up, or is it a quote from somewhere?

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spyware wrote: [quote]sam207 wrote: I m a bit new to these things.. I mean I just started things.. 2 years ago, i came to capital of country Nepal(kathmandu) & that was the first time I have touched computer..

Two years and you're already trying to define what a hacker is?

-he doesn't flame newbies.
-he doesn't stop learning.
-he doesn't hesitate to question no matter how much he is pro.```

Well, perhaps you're right. Maybe your puny statement is one I should take in to consideration. Did you make that up, or is it a quote from somewhere?[/quote]
I m still learning & I feel a complete hacker has the above stated characters(That's what I think).. I have seen many guys in this hacking scenario & the real hackers guys usually possess these characters.. anyway it is not the quote from anywhere.. It is what I think.. So I put it as it.... & if u feel it inferior, then okk..... but anyway that's what I think.

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considering the difference between madison (who spends his early years playing games and wares-ing) and sam207 who only used computers for two years, I'll say that sam is years ahead.

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Thank you, Doctor.

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what's that supposed to mean?

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It means your unnecessary analysis of the two was "spot on".

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Zephyr_Pure wrote: Every Post yours31f has ever written.

wow, that was way easier than my dynamic sig.

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yours31f wrote: wow, that was way easier than my dynamic sig.

Kay, I actually smirked at this. Don't get me wrong though, your posts still piss me off.

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Zephyr_Pure wrote: Every Post yours31f has ever written. yours31f wrote: wow, that was way easier than my dynamic sig. Work smarter, not harder.

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I know, and i've been working on it. Haven't started a thread in like 2 weeks so, it's a start.

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yours31f wrote: I know, and i've been working on it. Haven't started a thread in like 2 weeks so, it's a start.

If we're going to list the things you're not doing we'll be busy all night.

Try to like, do stuff. Rumor has it results can/may emerge.

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Ok, tell you what. I have been doing alot in the background. But, i'm not gonna list those. Instead, why don't you fill me in on how I can help this community out?

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yours31f wrote: Ok, tell you what. I have been doing alot in the background. But, i'm not gonna list those. Instead, why don't you fill me in on how I can help this community out?

Lurk more, talk less?

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yours31f wrote: Ok, tell you what. I have been doing alot in the background. But, i'm not gonna list those. Instead, why don't you fill me in on how I can help this community out? Lotion exercises don't count.

If you really want to help out the community… take Spyware's advice. It's the thoughtless flapping of your gums that makes people hate your posts. Think before you post. Oh… and don't correct other people's English. You obviously suck at that.

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Normally thats not my thing, but that guy was getting on my nerves. and who needs lotion? anyways, I have been trying to post better things and help out more, and pointless post much less.

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yours31f wrote: Normally thats not my thing, but that guy was getting on my nerves.

Jolly-O! This sentiment has a strange aura of déjà vu clouding around it. Hmm, guy getting on someone's nerves… Who could it be…

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spyware wrote: [quote]yours31f wrote: Normally thats not my thing, but that guy was getting on my nerves.

Jolly-O! This sentiment has a strange aura of déjà vu clouding around it. Hmm, guy getting on someone's nerves… Who could it be…[/quote]

yes I understand the irony of that.

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spyware wrote: Lurk more, talk less?

A tip for that: type it up, feel good about how witty and wonderful your response was, and then delete it (without posting).

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I got my first computer experience inthe fourth grade. As gifted children we used to get to go to this place one day a week staffed with college proffs who would teach us little ones. There I took a course in computer programming on a Commodore Pet. Got to draw pictures with data statements and use poke and peek. I was hooked. I got my own machine, a Commodore 64 (which I still have with fucntioning 1541D 5 1/4 floppy), a modem, and a book on Machine Language by Jim Butterfield. That was back in the day of BBSs and when pirating games was just a challenge and not going to get you convicted. It was great fun reading about LOD's (Legion of Doom) exploits and being able to make long distance calls from payphones with the tones we downloaded.
Now I have my B.S. in Computer Science and am the Senior Developer where I work. Good times, great memories, and still having fun with like minded people.


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I think that is, quite possibly, one of the least sucktacular stories I've heard in this thread yet… including my own. Welcome to HBH. :)

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I miss my old apple2c, ProDOS, 5 1/4 floppy, The monitor took a shit and I had it hooked to an old b\w tv for a while. Those were the days.

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Mines pretty short… I got a new computer, which was actually the first one i ever owned. My parents installed a website filtering/time monitoring program on another account on my computer. I was studying networking and had recently learned about brute force attacks. So i cracked the password and set my time to unlimited. Ever since then i haven't really done much hacking…nothing more than exploits on school networks/data tampering.

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**Reinvaision wrote:**I was studying networking and had recently learned about brute force attacks. So i cracked the password and set my time to unlimited.

"guessed the password"/"killed the process".

Learn how to lie.

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@Spyware No i really did get it ;it just took some time. i think the program i used was cain and abel….

lol i figured i would get a response like that (this seems to happen to me every time i post even if i am asking legit questions)

Edit: By the way…Killed the process? i just clicked the thing and hit un-restrict access. and i am not lying

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Well simply just getting a hold of a computer and learning how they work and connect to each other.

My parents where never really around so you have to do what you have to do.

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I think I'm still getting into hacking yet but here I go: About 2 years ago, my friend told me about Runescape. I got addicted to it and spent about 4 hours on it daily. We had dial-up and my parents went crazy when they saw the telephone bill for the quarter. It was over €450. :right: Myparents weren't happy to say the least! We got broadband a while later but by then Runescape was boring and I had moved back to spending all my time playing sports. We got a laptop with Vista about 9 months ago and I got into making websites. (Somehow) I learned HTML and CSS fairly quickly but then I tried to learn Javascript but I found it hard enough to learn so I thought to myself "If I'm going to bother learning a difficult language, I might as well learn something worthwhile" so I decided to learn C++. I learnt C++ for about 3 months (I'm still learning it but not as intensively) and I decided to tackle Javascript again. I got through the W3Schools tutorial on it in one sitting. I was delighted with my progress. Soon after I learnt PHP but not MySQL. A major mistake I later learned! I then googled how to make a PHP guestbook and I found about javascript injection in guestbooks. I was intrigued. I saw a link to HTS and clicked on it. I was terrified that my parents would find out and go crazy at me, as to me and them, the hacker stereotype was still prominent and I didn't want to talk about it to anyone. I tried out the HTS challenges and I found a serious lack of structure to them and I found the community very reluctant to help me out. I saw a link to HBH in the Affiliates bar on HTS and I tried it out. I thought the community was much more active (even if a lot of it is flames and "Google it") and the basic challenges gave you information about what you should learn and things like that. I still think I'm only getting into programming, hacking and web-dev now but hopefully I can improve much more when I get my own laptop and I can put what I want on it :ninja: I'm not that worried about progress yet as I'm only 14 but I really like the hacking culture and that so that's about it!

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bla, bla, bla, bla. <Potty Mouth>!

ps: I'm in an incredibly foul mood.

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NotMyFault wrote: I tried to learn Javascript but I found it hard enough to learn so I thought to myself "If I'm going to bother learning a difficult language, I might as well learn something worthwhile" so I decided to learn C++.

I don't think many would class javascript as a hard language.

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wolfmankurd wrote: [quote]NotMyFault wrote: I tried to learn Javascript but I found it hard enough to learn so I thought to myself "If I'm going to bother learning a difficult language, I might as well learn something worthwhile" so I decided to learn C++.

I don't think many would class javascript as a hard language. [/quote] I wouldn't class C++ as a hard language either.

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wolfmankurd wrote: [quote]NotMyFault wrote: I tried to learn Javascript but I found it hard enough to learn so I thought to myself "If I'm going to bother learning a difficult language, I might as well learn something worthwhile" so I decided to learn C++.

I don't think many would class javascript as a hard language. [/quote]

The only languages he had done before that are XHTML and CSS. Considering those aren't even official programming languages, I could see how javascript would be harder….

And, yes, before anybody asks, I thought it would be more fun if we had 3 people making the same point in different phrasing.

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COM I'm sure you just picked up a laptop and started coding in C++ within a couple of weeks that you started going on a computer :right: Javascript was hard because it was nothing like HTML or CSS. I had never seen anything like it before. Programming isn't something you can pick up in a day or two in my opinion!

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NotMyFault wrote: COM I'm sure you just picked up a laptop and started coding in C++ within a couple of weeks that you started going on a computer :right: Javascript was hard because it was nothing like HTML or CSS. I had never seen anything like it before. Programming isn't something you can pick up in a day or two in my opinion!

Lol, I think he was saying that different things look hard to people of different skill levels, not saying that programming is incredibly easy. At least that was the idea I got >.>

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NotMyFault wrote: COM I'm sure you just picked up a laptop and started coding in C++ within a couple of weeks that you started going on a computer :right: Javascript was hard because it was nothing like HTML or CSS. I had never seen anything like it before. Programming isn't something you can pick up in a day or two in my opinion! It was three hours with a half an hour coffee break actually. I can not fathom how society allows such dramatically inferior creatures as yourself exist within its boundaries. Surely evolution has now officially been proven wrong, what an awful incident, now books will have to be rewritten and studies redone. Have you no shame to admit to such incompetence? You ought to really show us other superior creatures respect and not bother us with your weaknesses. Or, you could at least chill the fuck out and take an English class as well as an added language to C++ seeing as I wasn't addressing you in the first place. However much of a lie this may sound like I was merely remarking on the fact that people seem to constantly put languages in different difficulty classes when most modern day languages are actually very similar in both nature and syntax and thus lack a really meaningful difference in difficulty. Sure, some have more lower level concepts, but since the syntax is very similar, the only thing that exists is to add those lower level things to one's understanding which is really not such an immensely hard task. When the entire way the language works is drastically different (syntax included), then I would say the language is harder, but otherwise I'd definitely not. For instance, assembly is something I'd say is harder than C/C++, PHP, java, etc. However, I would never say that java is easier than C++, which is a really common thing you hear. Learning how to program in either is entirely up to the individual and the material/teacher you have and can for a starter be difficult either way if they've never used a programming language (note that html and css are not programming languages). And to clarify; no, I did not just pick up a laptop, that would've been stealing. You see, not every one of us are spoiled with laptops all over the place. So if you've got a laptop and internet for that matter (something I did not have the luxury to access even once I had a computer), then you're way more ahead when it comes to possibilities than I was when I started.

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Sorry COM, I took things up the wrong way… I don't have my own laptop either, this is my parents laptop on which my time is limited to 1-2 hours a day :( My internet is only 3mb broadband and I would not describe myself as spoilt. I know that HTML and CSS aren't programming languages, hence the name Mark-up Language. Sorry if I'm getting people annoyed, it's not deliberate I just offend people in-advertedly! I do have advantages, that is true, but I am making the most of my abilities and the privilages that I am given. My parents are very supportive of my education and they buy me any books I want provided it's to help with my education or maximise my talents (Which some people would refer to as severly limited :P). Bear in mind that I'm only 14 and skills such as the lateral thinking needed for programming (In my opinion) are only developed with experience and practise. Learning a new concept such as computer programming is hard, no matter how smart you are, and it takes time and the only way you can learn is through perseverance and practise. Nobody learns how to program, especially a large language like C++ without putting in the time and effort needed to develop such a skill. I am learning still, as everyone is and I'm just like anyone else on this site; Curious to the degree that I am taking steps to figure out as much as I can about the way computers and the internet work.

Sorry if I took this way too far, I've typed it all out now so I'm not deleting it without seeing what'll happen!

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NotMyFault, css and html are markup languages. If you can't make a language answer a question then it's not a programming language.

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@NotMyFault No worries, at least we straightened this out. It's good to know that your parents are supportive and I'm glad that you chose C++, a very good choice. Don't waste your parents support though, one thing I kind of left out from my previous post is that the difficulty of most of these more modern languages are only hard because of the attitude of whoever wishes to learn it. Also, if you've got any questions about C/C++ you'll always have people here to ask, I'd recommend you ask ynori7 anything you are curious about, he's great with programming and knows C/C++ as well :)

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I really started programming before even thinking about hacking… Did some HTML and basic for school in grade 8,got bored and started learning C…I built some really basic progs…

grade 9,10: I moved to another town…forgot the passwords on most of my(really lame) programs(and my comp.)…

started learning basic hacking…

got more interested since I realized how weak my progs were(and still are).

11: Got on Hackquest,HTS,HBH.

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I wouldn't consider myself as a hacker, but I got into programming about three or four years ago. I always wanted to code, and I at the time, had plenty of free time to learn. Luckily I've always had interesting things to code.

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I do not really know that im a hacker or not. I registered on HTS 1.5 yrs back, started doing the missions 1 yr. back and found a link to HBH and well here I am. Earlier I wasn't very keen on Computers bu loved Science & Maths. Came to know bout HTS by googling the word "Hacking".