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star wars

ghost's Avatar
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i dunno how many people here like star wars, but i really love it. i was thinking about starting my own site soon. i realized however, that there are a ton of these sites already :S , so i wanted to make mine a little different. i was gonna explore all of the movies (all six of them), gives explanations of the technologies, weapons, races, jobs, and languages. i also wanted to prove why or why not some things can or cannot exist in reality the way they do in star wars…for example, can there really be a planet with two suns such as tatooine.

i really need input…is this a good or bad idea? (and if you like it please don't steal it:p)

ghost's Avatar
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well if u like something go for it! thats how HBH started after all. sure theres tons of hacking sites out there, but we brought new stuff to hacking sites which makes us unique and allows us to have over 2000 members! gl with it.;)

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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yeah that sounds cool sky. im not that enthusiastic about star wars as you are. But i can see that being a great site for all the hardcore star wars fans.

ghost's Avatar
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thanks for the input guys, greatly appreciated :)

two people supporting my site is enough for me to get it started (it will be up within a week or two;))

ghost's Avatar
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I made a cool light saber out of a biro and some crap i had ling around it glows and everything also i have several ways to amke lightsabers for real that dont work bvously but yuou know

ghost's Avatar
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wolfmankurd wrote: I made a cool light saber out of a biro and some crap i had ling around it glows and everything also i have several ways to amke lightsabers for real that dont work bvously but yuou know perfect! when my site is up and running you can join and explain how you made your saber and give your theoretical explanations on how to make one for real:)

ghost's Avatar
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perfect! when my site is up and running you can join and explain how you made your saber and give your theoretical explanations on how to make one for real

link? i wanna see how it looks so far

ghost's Avatar
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once its fully operational ill pm you the link;)

n3w7yp3's Avatar
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yea that would be a cool idea. i'm a pretty big Star Wars fan myself, so i'm all for it :)
