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ghost's Avatar
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Netbux sucks, I did it for a while and If you read the rules you will notice that THEY WILL ONLY PAY YOU A MINIMUM OF SOMTHING LIKE 50 BUCKS.

So you have to do it for over 2 months to get anything.

Scam, no. Ripoff, hell yeah.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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i thought it was a fact that pay-pop and netbux are a scam. I was under the impression their sites were removed and they got away with thousands just before paypal froze their accounts.

Did anyone else read this?

ghost's Avatar
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I didnt, but i got an email from a netbux user saying it worked and that we shoudl all use his refearral link.

I said i did it for a while and i didnt get payed at all, but then he replyed to me that you need to have a minimum of liek 50 bucks befroe they pay you witch is gay. then i checked the fine print and guess what it said? lol