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school hack

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I read Mr.chesse article about school hacking then i star i tried with the MS-DOS command but that didnt work so i used the commandreader with that i opend the controlpanel then i started unlock the locked commands then the teacher came in and saw it all she wasnt happy so now im my school account is gone and i cant use the school computer for 3 months but i will try hack in to them anyway so do somebody have a tip??

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Yeah, one good one. No offence but hacking your school isn't worth your education. Really if they are really serious you could get in alot of trouble :)

//Lol never thought i would say school is important, damn maturity must have gotten to my head, sjeezzzz

But if you really want to continue, you should plan ahead and make as much things you need at home and automate as much as you can so you could run it in the background. The chance of being caught this way is prolly about 50% smaller. Just a tip, nothing meant offending or anything.

Cheers and good luck with whatever you choose ;)

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Anarcho-Hippie wrote: //Lol never thought i would say school is important, damn maturity must have gotten to my head, sjeezzzz School is important. But don't let it dominate your life. Have fun, learn things outside of school. Go to college, you'll get a way better job. Plus, college is a great place to have fun.

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Amen to that.

Knowledge is power, …well what can i say i'm a real power person :) (lol now i'm just acting cocky :D)

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school the…not so final frontier… my school network is built like a bomb proof safe! anti virus key loggers net filters program filters, we cant even access the control panel!! not even the desktop display! let alone get access to the HDD and local files! though they do occasionally leave the odd interesting file lying around….or people finding the admin password and bios passwords! its just not worth it though, im leaving this year and its not worth having control over the network to loose all my exam grades and never get a good job or college ect…you gotta plan for getting caught aswell as succeeding. but if your hell bent on doin it (no pun intended i swear!) then try guesing the administrator password youre not gonna get caught and if you get it then youre in. just try and see if they have logs logging which users are online, when and where. if they do make sure youre hidden from them. and check for other administrator accounts and shut them down, that way once youre in they cant get you out ;)

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shadow_x wrote: school the…not so final frontier… my school network is built like a bomb proof safe! anti virus key loggers net filters program filters, we cant even access the control panel!! not even the desktop display! let alone get access to the HDD and local files! though they do occasionally leave the odd interesting file lying around….or people finding the admin password and bios passwords! its just not worth it though, im leaving this year and its not worth having control over the network to loose all my exam grades and never get a good job or college ect…you gotta plan for getting caught aswell as succeeding. but if your hell bent on doin it (no pun intended i swear!) then try guesing the administrator password youre not gonna get caught and if you get it then youre in. just try and see if they have logs logging which users are online, when and where. if they do make sure youre hidden from them. and check for other administrator accounts and shut them down, that way once youre in they cant get you out ;)

lol, yeah, ours is REALLY secure, and i love it that way, or else it isn't any fun. And, if it's that secure, like mine, there's no way you're going to guess the admin password. I believe this admin's password is more than 8 characters and he tried cracking it (SAM pass) with Cain & Able for a week. That's a tough one!