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Cisco_Root's Avatar
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What are your thoughts on DBAN-"Darik's Boot and Nuke"? Useful tool for Anti-forensics? All thoughts and comments welcome.. thumbs up

gobzi's Avatar
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I believe you need physical access to use these, don't you?

Cisco_Root's Avatar
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Indeed you would, I should elaborate and state that I mean anti-forensics in more of a wipe "personal computers" type of way.. so hardware you have access to directly.. :)

gobzi's Avatar
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I've never used 'anti forensic' tools. I've done a forensics module back in uni and I can say it's a difficult to properly erase data. Most of the 'formatting' tools just remove the pointer from you OS to the HDD.

Fully encrypt your HDD (preferably with a huge password, 16-20 chars) install Linux, be happy :P

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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DBAN is good for mechanical drives that contain platters and store data via logical block addressing; however, this will not work for Solid-State Drives (SSD) as they use a different technology to store data. The SSD's use NAND. The data ( 0's and 1's) stored in a SSD is stored in an array that looks like a grid with 0's and 1's while a mechanical drive stores the 0's and 1's in sectors on a drive platter.

There are many zero-fill utilities that can do the job for both, but essentially you are filling in all data with 0's. It is best to check using a HeX editor; this will verify that all zero's have been written to the storage device.

I have a few other tricks, but I am keeping that to myself.

Cisco_Root's Avatar
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This is great info Scar! I enjoyed your technical explanation of what was occurring during the process, that really helps me visualize exactly what it is going on with it.. I appreciate it.. :)

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
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@Cisco_Root are you spying on me ? I was dealing with DBAN all fucking night !!

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

Aye that dodgy porn doesn't delete easy, you can never be too safe.

Cisco_Root's Avatar
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@Mordak Definitely Ironic… but not spying on you just yet, leaving that up to the NSA for now.. tee-hee