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Thoughts on Kali

Cisco_Root's Avatar
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Hello everyone, I must say that within my few weeks of being on the site I am enjoying the community immensely and want to see it and help it grow! That being said, I wanted to pose the question: What do you think of Kali Linux. Or in a more broad sense, what OS's,VM's or distros (if running linux) do you prefer. Thanks for any input, Cisco thumbs up

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
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Kali Linux is a nice OS very useful and a must have in your tool kit.

"Or in a more broad sense, what OS's,VM's or distros (if running linux) do you prefer."

It would all depend on what use case you were looking for, for web server I would go with Fedora.

Cisco_Root's Avatar
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Hey thanks for the reply! I am teaching myself how to Kali Linux and utilize its broad arrangement of tools, very useful I think. And Fedora for a server, I will have to research this one more in depth, thanks. :D Any opinion on virtual machines? i.e. preferred Vm and what you usually run on it/use it for.. just curious to see what others are running as im setting up my own..

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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I use virtual box

pawnflow's Avatar
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Scar0ptics wrote: I use virtual box

Pretty sure that's not an OS.

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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What virtual machine I prefer?

Answer: Virtual Box

I never specified an OS, so do you know the difference between an OS and VM?

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 20


Yeah I use VirtualBox its the best free option out there:)

Cisco_Root's Avatar
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Agreed, Ive found i prefer virtual box over any other VM right now.. especially for the price.. ;) Also thanks for the replies! Im happy to find active individuals.. :) Another question: What are some general first things you download to your Linux box after downloading? i.e Wine, Emacs..etc..

pawnflow's Avatar
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Scar0ptics wrote: What virtual machine I prefer?

Answer: Virtual Box

I never specified an OS, so do you know the difference between an OS and VM?

Oops, yep you were right. Didn't read the post correctly.

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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I figured that was the case.