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I'd like to know peoples' opinion on the CIA Vault 7 leaks

pawnflow's Avatar
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For those who haven't heard of it, here it is: https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/

Personally, I think we should abolish the CIA ASAP. It's an unaccountable government agency which has spied on citizens and world leaders. Let's also not forget that they overthrew lots of democratic governments like in Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, Chile in 1973, ect…

dkm635's Avatar
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hehe , it's no laughing matter . the fact is this all started way back

Benway101's Avatar
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Doesn't surprise me for some reason that matters. Donald Trumps is after them now, won't be long before investigation comes in.

Fallen Archangel's Avatar
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I just wish they would release the rest of it. I completely understand not wanting to release the actual code until everything is patched, but I don't see why some of the pages were redacted that was just stuff like desciptions of programs.

Also, have you read some of the comments of the people working there? They don't seem too professional.

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
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No one should really be surprised that the CIA has the capabilities to compromise most devices, but what has been disclosed essentially shows that the hacking tools and scripts had one thing in common, the were all used to upload and execute malware on the devices,  rather than break the encryption of the software itself.

That means, for now at least, we can assume that messaging systems with strong end-to-end encryption are beyond the reaches of the security services; a win for everyone who is truly concerned about protecting their privacy.

The general public should now be fully aware that the government has the resources to monitor most, if not all devices connected to the internet.

Although most people will not be any more concerned about surveillance today, than they were yesterday.

Go back to s|eep citizens.   Your government is in control.