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Facebook & Facial Recognition

inyourcloset's Avatar
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None of this is mine. I'm just passing along info I think we, as humans, should keep an eye on.

Here's the link to an article: http://www.techspot.com/news/64857-nightmare-russian-facial-recognition-app-one-step-closer.html

So, with the Russa's FB equivalent turning into a facial recognition database; surely facebook will follow suite? I'm not familiar with the tech in question, but I don't doubt it's possible. Any wizards on here want to chime in and give their perspective on the matter?

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
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So if you want to continue to commit crimes is Russia, then it's probably best not to upload your photos to social media.

inyourcloset's Avatar
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I guess the good news is that people can find missing persons? Either way, I won't be impressed until they can locate lost pets.

SuQuay_FuQuay's Avatar
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If the state wanted a database of citizens faces, it would not be optional or limited to a Facebook clone.

They already have I'D cards, passports, driving licences requiring your picture, but if you don't have any of those:

They can use the 3000 selfies you've already posted everywhere online already.

They could activate one of the many smart phone back doors, or use an app with camera access permissions, and use your own phone to link your face to your info.

They could harvest in store cctv images linked to your debit/credit card payments, and link your face and info via timestamps.

They could use Google street view type cameras,  and simply drive around scanning faces and harvesting wireless signals etc.

Facial recognition is the future and will be widely used for both good and bad purposes, what's needed is more awareness of its limitations and its potential for being abused as a tool of the state.

<sarcasm> Remember citizens, If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to wear.</sarcasm>

I guess that's why we're all starting to shit ourselves just a little.

inyourcloset's Avatar
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@SuQuay, fair point. Also, with the many varied/different photos of oneself through their life cycle, online. It'll make natural disguises just about impossible.

Also, to add to your point on access to cameras through apps. There was some app/software the US military(airforce?) developed not too long ago that did just that, which took many photos and pieced them together to map out the building someone was in. So kinda like VR model.

So my question now is, what CAN we do, besides wait for chaos to erupt? Even with near perfect privacy practices, we're still screwed.

SuQuay_FuQuay's Avatar
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That building mapping software can also be used in conjunction with your digital credit trail, to get serial and model numbers of almost everything in your house like fridges, tvs and furniture etc that you bought via any cards, and it can predict where in the rooms they're situated with a high degree of accuracy.

They can use your store "loyalty" cards to get the groceries in your cupboards 100% correct, and the online history from shit like Amazon and Ebay etc to fill in any blank spaces on your shelves.

Or if you try to stay off the grid, they can just send round the company van with the microwave camera, and pwn you the good old fashioned way, sitting outside your house.

Just close your eyes and try to go back to sleeep, everything will be just fine.

Your government loves you.

inyourcloset's Avatar
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SuQuay_FuQuay wrote: Just close your eyes and try to go back to sleeep, everything will be just fine.

Your government loves you.

Ahah. ahah… ah… ha… falls down on knees and rents his linens

That's so cold, and accurate. Not that they don't have MANY people like you already, SuQuay, but I hope you don't turn to the darkside. It's already bad enough as it is, we need more wizards on the civy side.

I'm glad you brought up the the drive-by xray, I was tempted to add it to my previous comment, but I couldn't back up the statement, so I took it out.

Civil war is gonna be….interesting.

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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This is off topic, but its regarding FB.

When you have a phone number attached to an account with the FB app installed, it detects your devices number.

If you know the targets phone number that is attached to the account. You can temporarily reprogram your phone to match the victims number so the application reads their cell phone number; then when you send a password reset via text message, it will assume that the device in-hand is the victims phone. This will let you reset the password automatically.

This is all in theory and I have not done this, but I think it'll work.

inyourcloset's Avatar
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Oh, snap. Good thought, @ScarOptics I doubt it'd work, but I also don't know anything about all that phone shenanigans.

Actually, the more I think about it, it could work. However, I imagine phone providers have something in place to catch clones. I'm uneducated in the topic, but I'll try to explain my theory on it:

Surely mobile phones have their own MAC addresses used in the mix by now? I mean, this is 2016. But I could be wrong. Then again, I'm sure some wizard out there can spoof it. So even if you could clone the number, I'd imagine cell providers have a way to verify the original device. Back when I was researching on mobile phones, in relation to celltowers, they send out 3 sets of pin numbers, or something like that. Which verify the identity of the phone, which is how phones know they're being called, etc. So I guess one could just sniff those pin packets (not sure if that's still plausible), then you can clone it.

If anyone knows where to find some good info on the topic, please share. I haven't explored that area yet.

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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After reprogramming the number just use a wireless access point. Don't worry about cloning service prerameters. We just want the app and FB servers to detect the desired number you spoofed your phone to have. The FB server don't care how your connecting to it.:D

Although, if you successfully clone a phone and want to wipe it clean use Blancco, or something similar to securely wipe the device after you're done with it. - Check Tech Phreaks forum board under forensics for info on that. I also have more information on hacked modems on my website (custom modem firmware) in the forums.

Get a hacked modem up and running, after bypassing a CMTS; then connect to a VPN; then after that an online proxy, idk use your imagination and have fun lol

It's under affiliates on this site - Tech Phreaks

inyourcloset's Avatar
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Oh… I didn't know they used the app for recovery. I just assumed they used an SMS text of some sort, like everybody else. Though, I don't think I understand the concept.

Is this along the same concept as how with iMessage, you can send texts/sms through either wifi, or through the cell service? or does the app just throw a popup/notification, if the number is confirmed?

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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Its not going to work how I was explaining it in my previous post because the SMS messenger that gets sent out will go straight to their phone lol. You might be able to clone service parameters and do this, but you need that text to be sent directly to your phone rather than the account owners. I was just brain storming and trying to come up with something real quick.

The Facebook application has account recovery options, so anything is possible. You'd want the password reset PIN to be sent to your phone, rather than theirs. This is getting more in-depth than I thought it would. Not sure what I was thinking before. lol

inyourcloset's Avatar
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Scar0ptics wrote: This is getting more in-depth than I thought it would. Story of my life… I always find brainstorming a blast. Please, feel welcome to share anything else you think of later on, I'd love to contribute(though limited), and dissect it theoretically. thumbs up

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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I sent you a PM