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Need help

Prince326's Avatar
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Hello Everyone I am owning a hacking website, Where I teach how to hack and secure yourself, I want to publish ads on it so that I can earn money form it. traffic is good so it should not be a problem. Google adsense doesn't give ads on hacking tutorial's website. I have tried lots more ads services but they don't support on hacking tutorial's website just like google adsense.:( Does any one know any service like google adsense which can give ads on my website.

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 18

Prince326 wrote: …. Google adsense doesn't give ads on hacking tutorial's website.

Google will advertise on "hacking" websites but you MUST meet very strict rules and you will have daily checks placed on your site.

synstealth's Avatar
2,490 1

can I see the website ?

newbee's Avatar
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synstealth wrote: can I see the website ?

