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app 7 girl

jak001's Avatar
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as i never actually got the program to run (wasn't necessary) i'm curious as to the purpose of the picture i noticed when reviewing the raw code. the good ol' ÿØÿà..JFIF code that marks the beginning of a jpeg jumped out, and i copied this all the way to the ÿÙ that marks the end of a jpeg to see what the picture was. a little more than a third of app 7's size is taken up by the picture of a girl. why?

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
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It was probably intended as a background to the form.

elmiguel's Avatar
2,795 1

Probably due to the fact that images take up a lot of resources when compiled as binary (and in general). Many simple programs are developed so they can run without any external resources. The size of the image could have been a large image and then scaled down. Scaling the image inside of a program doesn't mean it changes the file size, it has to be saved at a smaller size to actually be smaller. Think of PowerPoint, in my profession I deal with this a lot, many people import images and then try to fit them to the slides. When they are finished they try to upload them but their files exceed the upload file size limit. When we ask them "Did you resize your images before importing them?", the answer is mostly "No, I re-sized them in PowerPoint". When they resize the images outside of program via an imaging editing program, the size of their project is significantly reduced in size upon export.

I hope this helps.