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webgoat issues

I_am_Nothing's Avatar
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hi there, im having issues running webgoat and i feel that theres a simple thing that im missing, when try to run the webapp im getting an error:

WebScarab encountered an error trying to retrieve

GET http://localhost.webgoat.attack:80/ HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost.webgoat.attack User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 Proxy-Connection: keep-alive

The error was :

localhost.webgoat.attack at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source) at org.owasp.webscarab.httpclient.URLFetcher.connect(URLFetcher.java:412) at org.owasp.webscarab.httpclient.URLFetcher.fetchResponse(URLFetcher.java:229) at org.owasp.webscarab.plugin.proxy.RevealHidden$Plugin.fetchResponse(RevealHidden.java:100) at org.owasp.webscarab.plugin.proxy.ManualEdit$Plugin.fetchResponse(ManualEdit.java:243) at org.owasp.webscarab.plugin.proxy.ConnectionHandler.run(ConnectionHandler.java:233) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Twinkee's Avatar
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Are you running WebScarab on your machine as well? I'm not very familiar with this software but from what I read about it on their site, it seems like it might have the potential to interfere with Webgoat.