Ajax/JSON hacking
anyone have any information on Ajax/JSON hacking there is not much information out there on it just some simple stuff i have came across JSON (Javascript Object Notification) Seems to be pretty secure on most things but I have got to be missing something i mean it is javascript one of the most insecure technoligies out there any good links or examples on this subject would be greatly appreciatd
Stuff like this? It has a chapter about Ajax hacking/hijacking, whatever you want to call it. :) http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/networking/security/9780596514839/attacking-ajax/recipe-1107#X2ludGVybmFsX0ZsYXNoUmVhZGVyP3htbGlkPTk3ODA1OTY1MTQ4MzkvMjAw
Talks about Ajax hacking in chapter 10. Try google searching "filecrop web security testing cookbook" without the quotes. Maybe try your luck, who knows, maybe you'll be lucky today. ;)
It's a .chm file, you'll need kchmviewer or something like it to read if you're on Linux.
WebGoat has some lessons on AJAX security. There might be some other pages on OWASP about AJAX as well if you take a look around.