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What is hacke.rs?

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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I'm not inclined to think the site is anything of interest. Google appears to know nothing about it (which includes if anybody had brought up the name on a forum elsewhere or something) and it's https port heads to a simple "It works!" slogan (which is the default for a empty apache2 server) which leads me to think the site is just a server nobody has bothered to really do anything with, and has hence the user just locked down port 80 with a password to avoid having a website he may be working on exploited or viewed before its released.

Some points of interest may be, however, that port 443 (https) on hacke.rs identifies itself as a completely different website (b.simpledot.net), and that both of those servers are running a bug tracking system on port 8080.

May I ask why your so interested in this site? I mean, there are plenty of sites out there requiring authentication on port 80, why is this one special?

Mb0742's Avatar
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The name got me - seemed far too elaborate to have a name like that and have nothing of value behind it.

I was thinking it was either an invite only site or a hidden website that only allows access to those who can penetrate the security.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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I doubt it, alot of people take domain names just cause its a cool domain name to have, not because they are forming a secret community of elite hackers. If the admin had a server that had a dynamic IP, then if he wanted to connect to his server, he would most likely want a domain name. So if he couldn't think of something, why not name it something cool?