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Can i interview someone

ghost's Avatar
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Post the baseline for your interview here, please. Give us an idea what you are looking for.

ghost's Avatar
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If you want people to contact you then you need to provide more information. When I look at that post I think, "Meh, I don't know what this is about and I don't care enough to seek out the information". Who do you want to interview? (i.e. what type of person) Why? (what types of questions will you ask?)

Darkracer13's Avatar
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someone that does alot of hacking it's about whit hat hacking and black hat hacking. and Its for a argumentative essay. so the questions are like "do you hack for fun or do you get payed to do it?" stuff like that but it's not dued for like week or 2.

ghost's Avatar
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Ah, schoolwork.

Bye now.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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I wouldn't mind answer a few questions, if you need someone still. I know how hard it can be to find a decent person to interview. Unfortunately, I don't use microsoft IM protocols, so if you want to talk to me you'll have to use IRC. You can find me on the freenode network under the nick stealth-.