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Who agrees

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that a pop out chat box for this site would be a good idea? :ninja:

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>chat box

HAaaaaAAHAhaHAHahaha. Don't be ridiculous. Like the person above me suggested, get on IRC.

/connect -ssl psychotik.ath.cx 6697

See you there.

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irc is for sissies

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l3m0np13 wrote: irc is for sissies

no u

itt. we level with OP

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boy don't make me b#### slap you:happy:

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yeah nobody really constantly talks via shoutbox, each response it usually like 40 minutes apart that's like a total 200 conversations for your whole life haha

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It sounds like it would be more of a pain in the ass than helpful. There are already methods of communication available on this site. The only things I would like to see different on the site are:

1.) Ability to post the code used to complete the programming challenges. Members who have completed said challenge could then view how others completed the same challenge via different methods/languages.

2.) A community project of some sort. (Although I imagine it would be a bitch to organize.)

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I honestly don't care about the original topic of this thread, I chat with people I give a shit about and as said, for others there is irc. This,

DarkPrinceFrost wrote: 1.) Ability to post the code used to complete the programming challenges. Members who have completed said challenge could then view how others completed the same challenge via different methods/languages.

, is a good idea. I think some similar idea has come up before, but I'd say applying that to all challenges would be good. If there could be a spoiler tag with an identifying element in it that tells which challenge it is about then it could be made so that anyone who has completed it can view it, while those who haven't, can't. This way not only could code be posted to be shared and looked at by all who are interested, but we could also make it easier to help people with challenges they are stuck on. On the other hand it might obscure clues for others who are trying something similar, so there is that downside. But even if making this for all challenges isn't optimal, I reckon it is a good idea for timed ones for aforementioned purposes.