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hash databases

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Hi forum,

I've always wondered why no one has made a very large hash database. Even Gdata only lists less than two hundred thousand md5 hashes. Why not just create a database of every alphanumeric password up to 10 chars, or as high as you could go?

Surely there is enough processing power for this.

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go ahead end3r

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lets each one of us donate $500 dollars for buying servers for this purpose. with 15000 members you''ll have ummmm…a lot of money which will get you close to having enough servers.

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thanks for the idea folk theory. this 500 dollars that i've got in my pocket was burning a huge hole! end3r

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It has been done, Jake used to have a massive massive md5 rainbox table, and setup an AIM bot to handle requests.

However the harddrive got corrupted and he lost all his terebytes of data and was unable to raise enough cash to fix it.

I used to have my own md5 rainbox table of just 3 gigs, and that cracked a large majority of any hashes i came across.

its worth doing.

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Mr_Cheese wrote: It has been done, Jake used to have a massive massive md5 rainbox table, and setup an AIM bot to handle requests.

What happened to Jake? He isn't on HBH anymore :whoa:

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there are a bunch of rainbow tables online too, so you can check them online, like the one on milw0rm etc.

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I think he grew out of it

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I've got one listing half a million hashes on my site (http://mastergamer.homeip.net), feel free to use that.

You can also access the DB using my IRC bot Anna on the HBH IRC server.

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Why not use http://md5.rednoize.com/ ? They claim to hove more than 47 miljon hashes in their database ;)

In my experience it is able to crack any hash I find.

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The_Cell wrote: Why not use http://md5.rednoize.com/ ? They claim to hove more than 47 miljon hashes in their database ;)

In my experience it is able to crack any hash I find. And yet it still can't find mine. :( 5b4d12dbc785fc5f0a7c5705144c1268

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Durty1425 wrote: And yet it still can't find mine. :( 5b4d12dbc785fc5f0a7c5705144c1268

I managed to find an 11 char password using rednoize. But nothing is perfect.

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Cool, a lot of replies!:D

According to my calculations, it would take over a terabyte of data to store all alphanumeric md5's up to and including 8 characters (almost 3 trillion passwords, or 39^9) in an instant-lookup table.

I think I might have a way to dramatically reduce the size you would need for the table at the cost of exponentially greater processing power required to dig out the password. It involves writing over the table using XOR and it's fairly complicated, but I'll keeping thinking about it. Theoretically, you could store 39^9 passwords in just a gigabyte at the cost of having to process 1000 md5's and XOR them.

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i remember chislam made one that entered your hash into like 20 different databases across the internet, but i think he took it down or moved it.

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I don't suppose there's a publicly available program to generate hash databases? I have an extra comp with a lot of room (~900 gigs atm) but have no idea how I would even start to go about starting to set up a hash db/im bot.

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it cant find my f3ac3534944a9842dec48aace690c5b6 which is really annoying i spose it must be 1 in 47 million lol pmsl

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Jakes Md5 Library will crack it. But I am not allowed to disclose the location of the non-AIM one.

I will talk to Jake and see whats up. Hes always working so it would be a while. Ill get his backups for a price and upload to ZI db.

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eqqqqq wrote: Cool, a lot of replies!:D

According to my calculations, it would take over a terabyte of data to store all alphanumeric md5's up to and including 8 characters (almost 3 trillion passwords, or 39^9) in an instant-lookup table.

I think I might have a way to dramatically reduce the size you would need for the table at the cost of exponentially greater processing power required to dig out the password. It involves writing over the table using XOR and it's fairly complicated, but I'll keeping thinking about it. Theoretically, you could store 39^9 passwords in just a gigabyte at the cost of having to process 1000 md5's and XOR them.

You realise that 39^9 is 208728361158759 with there being ~256^16 (340282366920938463463374607431768211456) possible combinations for md5, this is an absolutely tiny fraction of the whole "spectrum" but would account for the majority of passwords.

So you could technically store all the possible passwords in 194 terrabytes, but building a reverse index to lookup the password from the md5 hash would be a nightmare.

Ideally you could build a hashtable of 65535 files on disk, and each one would contain 3184942034 hashes and their passwords (48gb to store the md5 hashes per file alone).

I reckon you should think about the feasability of what you're saying first :)