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Is it true that 120-something bit encryption is illegal?

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seriously? i never knew that lol… is the encryption law with any type of data?

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I doubt they can actually enforce that law until they crack a hash and prove it to be too long

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So make your own encryption ;) Guaranteed they won't break it, and not against the law…

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BluMoose wrote: So make your own encryption ;) Guaranteed they won't break it, and not against the law…

Even hand-made encryptions are breakable moose. Even if you're a blue ninja..

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Depends how encrypted it is. All encryptions are breakable with enough time and processing power

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mozzer wrote: Depends how encrypted it is. All encryptions are breakable with enough time and processing power

Erm if you make your own algorithm and keep it to yourself, the chance of being able to crack it almost one to infinity.

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BluMoose wrote:

Erm if you make your own algorithm and keep it to yourself, the chance of being able to crack it almost one to infinity.

I agree.