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Kind Of Encryption...

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Does Anyone Know What Type Of Encryption The Password File There Is?

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Thats a line from a *nix /etc/shadow file. the username is anon. The password hash is $1$0ABI89fK$kWD1ScwvpFouOaNSg8P1U/ . Thats a salted MD5 hash (you can tell because it starts with "$1". dump it into john the ripper. shouldn't take too long to crack, if you havea good CPU.

BTW, I got bored and cracked it. output is below:

[root@localhost run]# ./john -w:/home/n3w7yp3/hacking/tools/labs/crypto/words ~n3w7yp3/hacking/hbh-hash
Loaded 1 password (FreeBSD MD5 [32/32])
guesses: 0  time: 0:00:00:04 3%  c/s: 7743  trying: anabrotic
anonymous        (anon)
guesses: 1  time: 0:00:00:04 100%  c/s: 8919  trying: anonymous
[root@localhost run]#

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Ok… So Salted MD5, What the difference between a MD5 Hash and the salt? i have a root password in a shadow file, but it's a hard password, and i was wondering if there was any quick way of cracking it… i know john, but this is one of those passwords that would take about 3 month's on a cray to crack … lol

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The salt is a set of characters thats used as an offset to start the permutations.

The difference between a salrted hash and a clean hash are quite obviosu. Consider the following:

[n3w7yp3@localhost crypto]$ ./md5-hash.pl
Usage: ./md5-hash.pl <string>
String is the string to encrypt with MD5.
[n3w7yp3@localhost crypto]$ ./md5-hash.pl n3w7yp3
Encrypting 'n3w7yp3' with MD5...
Your MD5 hexadecimal hash is: e9f5a3b1250837c83e4b9f4bdf0e4714
[n3w7yp3@localhost crypto]$

Thats a clean hash. Now here is a salted:

[n3w7yp3@localhost crypto]$ ./md5-crypt.pl
Usage: ./md5-crypt.pl <plaintext> [salt]
[n3w7yp3@localhost crypto]$ ./md5-crypt.pl n3w7yp3
Plaintext: n3w7yp3
Salt: $1$qtmyahsa$
MD5 hash: $1$qtmyahsa$9bavdbeei8oz3cUhZFFTq1
[n3w7yp3@localhost crypto]$

Thats a salted hash. As you can see they look quite different. Now, I coded this script so that if the salt wasn't provided, it autogenerated one. An MD5 salt is 12 characters organized like:


whrere the stuff in the middle ([a-z][A-Z][0-9]) are are at most 8 characters, which makes th salt a total of 12 characters. To get a feel for salts, here is the results of me running the md5-crypt.pl script 5 times, each time hashing the string n3w7yp3:


See how a different salt effects the hash?

So, there is no shrotcut to cracking salted MD5.

BTW, how do you know that this is a strong password? Just becasue it didn't crack in the first 5 minuets doesn't mean that its strong…

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WTF you on about? scratches head and looks confused.

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Ok… Now I Get it that tells me a ton… thank you very much, now, what about the above, can anyone crack that for me?