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Example to crack another

Neo_Chalchus's Avatar
Lover of Parkour
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I have two md5 hashs but I only know what one of them says, is there a program or a way to get Cain-n-Abel to do this? like I input the hash I know, type in what it is, and then the other hashes put in after it are decoded the same way?

Thx NC

ghost's Avatar
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Do you mean like using the cracker method of cain? Is that what you mean? Enter the hash and then, right click and choose to crack. And you can crack it like, a dictionary attack or brute force it.

Hope that answers your question.

ghost's Avatar
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well no, md5 is a one way encryption. the two hashes will be completly independent of each other.

n3w7yp3's Avatar
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knowing one of the hashes doesn't matter, as MD5 is a one way hash algorithm. So, a Known Plaintext Attack (KPA) won't be onf any help in this case. So, you either gotta usr Cain, John the Ripper, or Rainbow Crack and a rainbow table and start crackin' ;)

Well, actually there is a faster way. Using the hashes, you could generate a Password Probability Matrix (PPM). This is a highly advanced from of cracking that uses colloision in the hashes to crack them in a fraction of the normal time.
