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install limewire on ubuntu

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i just got ubuntu, and one of the things i want to use it for is to download things that may have viruses, because ubuntu is less vulnderable to them than windows. i am completely new to linux. when i try to open the limewire download, it says Could not open "LimeWireLinux.rpm"

Archive type not supported.

what does this mean? how can i get limewire to run? i tried typing LimeWireLinus.rpm in the terminal, but that doesnt work.


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Ubuntu doesn't handle ".rpm" files when you get it (not sure if there's an easy way to set it up to work with them)… I googled and found a ".deb" file (Same thing basically, but works on different Linux distros…) to install it

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well rpm stands for Redhat Package Manager. I'm pretty sure Ubuntu doesn't use the rpm package management system. try googling for the Ubuntu package of it. or even just d/l the universal version.

i suggest you follow this: http://www.gnutellaforums.com/showthread.php?t=39850

it pretty much will tell you how to convert that file you've got into a package Ubuntu can understand and how to install it.

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Ubuntu does not use ".rpm" files, but it can use ".deb" files. Also, I'm not on my copy of Ubuntu right now, but you can check the repositories to see if it is there. Alternatively, you can build it from the source.

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i found how to do it, thanks for the replys

but now when im in the terminal, it askes me for a password but wont let me type anything. i tried copying and pasting it, but nothing comes up.

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if it's sudo you having problems with you have to set a password. just do 'su root' and enter teh root password. you have to be root to install things.

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thats my problem, it wont let me put in the password. when i type, nothing happens but only in the password part.

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Just checked in my version.. I used sudo nmap -pO [IP]

then it asks to enter password. I type in password but you don't see the * or anything else, it just stays blank. But when entered with the right password it accepts. So just enter the password that you have set, don't worry if nothing is showing on screen.

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i entered the password several times, but it says authentication failed