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Update/Validate Invalid Copy of Windows

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I used to have a valid copy of winxp sp1. then i got an invalid copy of SP2. i used to be able to update using javascript in the address bar when that stopped working i got a cracked legitcheckcontrol.dll file. eventually microsoft blocked that to. so now i have no way of updating. if anyone can help me either validate or figure out a new way to update please help.

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hackncrack wrote: I used to have a valid copy of winxp sp1. then i got an invalid copy of SP2. i used to be able to update using javascript in the address bar when that stopped working i got a cracked legitcheckcontrol.dll file. eventually microsoft blocked that to. so now i have no way of updating. if anyone can help me either validate or figure out a new way to update please help.

How do you start out with a valid Windows XP SP1 and end up with an "invalid" SP2?

On to your question… all I can tell you is that Microsoft allows most of their updates, patches, and downloads without validation. For the ones that require validation, you'll just have to figure it out or do without.

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on the bittorrent networks,are the latest ones available. if ms patches it,the next day it's cracked,and the crack will be on torrent sites.

quote:"buy and be sorry,BitTorrent and you won't."
