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Live CD (DSL)

n30's Avatar


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OK, so I burned a copy of Damn Small Linux (aka DSL) onto a DVD and brought it to school. I ran it on one of the Dells and it booted fine. I went to mount the hard-drive, but it wasn't there as a choice. All it had was sd1 (my flash device that I forgot to take out), and cdrom1 (obviously the CD drive). Any way for me to mount the hard drive? It's not critcal, but i perfer linux over windows although my files are in the windows partition. Thanks in advance.


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bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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I havent been able to get it to mount HDD, get a live knoppix if you really want it to. knoppix if better at it.


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thats not really the answer i was looking for. knoppix disabled that function thats called COPYING FILES <.<

Bryan is being a pain, so im going to go eat.:ninja:

ghost's Avatar
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I took Pentoo to my school and couldnt mount the HDD. it was because our computers dont have a local disk, all the shit is stored on there server. it may be the same for you. you should check if u can access the C:\ drive from windows, hope this helps. :)

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aye, i could access a server drive or a C:\ drive. shouldnt i be able to mount the c:\ providing the computer HAS a hard drive? also, how would you mount a server's drive remotely?

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on the computers at my school all the files are on the N: driveā€¦ try that :)