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i have been looking around and i have been try to find an OS that alows me to ezly make a pratice website and pratice. I have 2 questions 1 is what is the best OS for my pratcing i have 2 pcs and they are networked together and i want to to set it up. second question is this


i know these are processers but i dont know which is which and the differces in the OS version zer0pain

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well for your first question, I would recommend using linux (freeBSD would work too), but if you have windows, you can find servers for that too. they're already compiled so you can't customize it as much however. but if you are using unix, you will need to download and compile an apache server and probably php. you may be able to find binaries somewhere but I would recommend compiling your own. just go to http://httpd.apache.org/ for the server and http://php.net/ for PHP. you should be able to figure out how to compile/install them, they will have text files in the root directory (after you decompress them of course) that say how to do it. if you have any questions feel free to PM me.

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I would get yourself a copy of OpenBSD (http://www.openbsd.org) Its a quick install and the default installation is very lean and has only what you need.

Apache is installed by default (no need to download and compile it yourself) and OpenBSD has a focus on security so if you are interested in hacking this is a good unix to learn on.

The man pages on OpenBSD are also of a very high quality.