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So i have been for sometime now checking out linux and it's many flavours. I think i would like to test it our on my spare computer (P1 223mhz). Does anyone know of any good distributions that would be compadible of my spare computer? thanks a bunch

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and so you assume we'd know what your computer is, and what is "compadible" with it. Hardware specifications would help people better understand your need and concerns. I'd recommend Fedora Core 5 without knowing what hardware you have. PM me if you run into any sort of trouble with it… there's always a solution!

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you could alway try DSL, great distro for old computers.

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fedora core is a very good distro to start with, it is VERY easy to install and comes with all kinds of bells and whistles and the most beautiful program ever made….. yum i started using fedora, my server is running fedora, i have tried a few other distros….. and i'm still using fedora it rox!