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looking for a liveCD linux

ghost's Avatar
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here is the requirement:
with a c/c++ compiler.
provide much enough internet functionalities.
without GUI.
can be eaily installed in my vitual machine. the size is less than 100 MB. the less, the better.


ghost's Avatar
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I used slaxx which seemed pretty cool, along with ubuntu. however they didnt pick up my wireless card and i didnt want to use it enough to sit and my desk wired in.

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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Look into DSL(I know certain ones do not have the GUI), Debian (I think theirs is no GUI) and I am sure there are many more out there :P

ghost's Avatar
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just go for a live cd and shut down the x system, or enter runlevel 2 if my mind serves me well, then you have your handy textmode, dsl is 50 mb but can't recall if it has gcc in it. Other then that the choice is really wide, or you can just go l33t and build a LFS system ;)

ghost's Avatar
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there is a live version of slax with out a gui floting around. i used it to mount the hds on my schools pc and deleted windows oops :)

the url for it is http://slax.linux-live.org/download.php it is slax frodo edtion

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sorry for the huge pc pick i was messing with the profile and screwed up :(