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Austrumi Live Linux Help

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Hello everyone, I was playing around with Austrumi in order to copy the SAM file. I then noticed that all my files on my hard drive in windows xp were not there, I looked into this and discovered I may have to mount the C drive allthough I am completely unsuccessful.

The code I was using in the terminal was: markupmount/dev/sda1

Also fdisk and chdisk do not work.

Please help, ~Muplah

hellboundhackersok's Avatar
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trymarkupsudo mount /dev/hda1 or markupsudo mount /dev/sda1

edit: whoops, wasn't on linux. Thx spyware.

spyware's Avatar
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I hope that was a typo and you meant sudo mount /dev/sda1.

Anyway, OP, try the following.

mkdir /media/name_for_this sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/name_for_this