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Taking server Side code form a website

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OK, I am not sure if it was just me who thought this but originally i thought it was impossible to take server side coding enriched pages from a website. Well i have found a way, at the moment I am going to play before i disclose, but if you would like more info or know a way to do this then PM me plz

bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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The only possible way to view CGI server scripts from a website is either rooting the server or the Poison NULL Byte. Both can be tricky in inexperienced hands.


ghost's Avatar
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bl4ckc4t wrote: The only possible way to view CGI server scripts from a website is either rooting the server or the Poison NULL Byte. Both can be tricky in inexperienced hands.

Bl4ckC4t First of all, CGI is not the only server-side language. Secondly, those are not the only ways. It depends on the security of the site. If it is using a script, or scripts, that is open source it would be easier to exploit any vulnerabilities. For example, there may be a page to view other specific page sources (don't know why, but bare with me) and you may be able to exploit it in a way to view a local file's source. There are too many situations to go through them all, but it really all depends on the script(s).