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I was looking aound a site a little while back, and found a hidden directory and in the hidden directory there was a page I tried to access.When i Clicked on it, a popup came up,and said enter network username and password.I googled for about an hour to find someway passed this but nothing useful cameup.Any ideas?

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WOW!over 400 views and not one response, it wasn't that lame of of a qustion was it?

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a-hack wrote: WOW!over 400 views and not one response, it wasn't that lame of of a qustion was it?

lol .. I guess ppl are just lazy.

Well I'm guessing the site uses basic authenticaion, and if they're running Apache servers try getting ahold or .htaccess/passwd files, if their running IIS there's little chance of getting access to the NT Authentication dbase. Other than running a brute force, you'd have to run some pen-tests, see whats running and ports are open. Use eEye Retina, or Nessus, or some sort of vulnerability scanner and try to find an exploitable service.