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There's this certain site I love, but I'm in a little trouble with the webmaster now… I found this script at the bottom of the page:
var jv=1.0;
<script language=Javascript1.1><!--
<script language=Javascript1.2><!--
<script language=Javascript1.3><!--
<script language=Javascript1.4><!--
function SiteStats_7134(){
var t=new Date();
var o='o='+t.getTimezoneOffset()+';';
var isNN4=(document.layers)?true:false;
var isCSS=(document.all)?true:false;
var t='t='+t+';';
var b='b='+(isCSS?(document.body.clientWidth+'x'+document.body.clientHeight):isNN4?(innerWidth+'x'+innerHeight):'')+';';
var s='s='+(isCSS||isNN4?(screen.width+'x'+screen.height):'')+';';
var c='c='+(isCSS||isNN4?screen.colorDepth :'')+';';
var j='j='+jv+';'
var p='p='+escape(location.href)+';';
var r='r='+escape(document.referrer)+';';
var u='http://www.thatwebsite.com/cgi-bin/sitestats.gif?'+t+b+s+c+j+o+p+r;
document.write('<img src='+u+' width=1 height=1 style="position:absolute">');
var f='var e=new Date();e=e.getTime();var I=new Image(1,1);I.src="'+u+'e="+e+";";';
window.onunload=new Function(f);
function alive_7134(u){
var e=new Date();var I=new Image(1,1); I.src=u+'alive=1;t='+e.getTime(); setTimeout('alive_7134("'+u+'")',0x249F0);
//--></script><noscript><img src=http://www.thatwebsite.com/cgi-bin/sitestats.gif?p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thatwebsite.com%2Ffolder%2Fpage.htm;r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thatwebsite.com%2Ffolder%2F; width=1 height=1></noscript>```
What it seemed to do is log the page I'm viewing, and probably also my IP. So, for fun, I tried to add a message to the logs in the form of a URL by going to http://www.thatwebsite.com/cgi-bin/sitestats.gif?p=INSERT%20MY%20MESSAGE%20HERE
Now, the webmaster reports that he can no longer view the IP addresses of individual users on his site from his site stats page. Could this truly have been a direct result of my injection? Because I now notice I forgot to add a value for the variable r... But any piece of code that can fall apart by an injection with one missing value, or maybe mention of a non-existant page, shouldn't be used anyways, correct?
EDIT: Never mind. One way or another, the webmaster resolved it.