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File Disclosure

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I found a site that has a file disclosure vuln (you know index.php?f=../../and/so/on/index.php type stuff), but instead of executing the PHP code I injected it instead simply displays the file.

Instead of a simple


this site uses

markupecho file_get_contents($_GET['f']);

or something.

I won't disclose the site for legal reasons, but is there a way I can inject PHP code onto the server?

BTW they use Smarty.

ghost's Avatar
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Read the articles to see how to check if a site is vulnerable, then try some of the methods listed.



ghost's Avatar
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First: It doesn't eval or include the file, just prints it out. so offsite-server file was out of the question.

Second, they fixed it already after I told them, posted on zone-h/digg, etc. It was the EFF if you were wondering :)