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okay before everyone trie to explain to me what the purpose of …/robots.txt is, I KNO

so my question is what do you guys think this means if you were to find it on a …/robots.txt " User-agent: * Disallow: / "

would i have to change my useragent to "*" and what does the dissallow part mean?:D:D -ZTB

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well apparently u dont kno what robots.txt does. It says which search engines (aka user agents, such as googlebot) can't display search results based on what come after "disallow:". Also, and this is a general note, in robots.txt and in most places "*" is a wildcard meaning anything. Also, "/" specifies the root directory of the web site, so what u posted means that the website with that robots.txt file dosen't allow any search engine to search any of the site. Hope this helps :)'